

My nephew Cody is a State of Texas Game Warden.? That’s a law enforcement position, that simply put exists to manage the hunting and fishing resources for those men and women who enjoy that sort of thing, as you know I do. ?Of course, hunting and fishing comes with specific laws, guidelines and rules that apply and must be adhered to.? If hunters and fishermen aren’t held accountable to these things, then at some point there could be no deer, birds, fish, etc. which would cripple the natural state of resources.

I bring this up today because when I hear many of his stories, engagements with people, and their lack of respect or caring for the rules, I always think back to accountability.? Whether it’s enjoying the outdoors, driving down a highway, or performing our normal day to day work activities, we’re all accountable for our actions.? There’s a right way and a wrong way to do things, and doing it the way it’s supposed to be is not only the best way, it’s the best for everyone and everything concerned.? Cody often talks about checking fishermen, who are out there catching fish either recreationally or professionally in a large way, and how so many of them disregard the laws.? No license, catching fish that are “short” or too small, or catching more than the limit.? “ I didn’t know I needed to have a license” is something he hears all the time, but a simple online check by him shows that same person had one two years ago…..”I didn’t know you could only catch 5 fish”…If you’re supposed to catch 5 fish, why on earth catch 15?? The rules are published everywhere, if? you care you know them.? Those are the folks that get those dreaded tickets.? Same for hunters….license?? Duck stamp?? Over the limit?? Hunting out of season?? His job is to protect the environment and it’s resources and protect it from those who don’t feel that being accountable to the rules matters or applies to them.? When almost everyone else out in the field or on the water is compliant, doing it the right way, those that don’t want to play by the rules not only stand out, but can ruin it for many others.

Same applies to our business doesn’t it?? When most of the team is doing it the right way, working for the common goal, but a few others don’t, it completely disrupts the rhythm, and can significantly affect the overall product and results.? There are ways to do every job within our organization, and it’s up to Managers and Department Heads to make sure our people know how to do the job, and that they are doing it the right way.? If they think they have a better way, or a more efficient way, then there should be some discussion and dialogue about it, but often shortcuts don’t necessarily make it better….frankly often it makes it worth.? Accountability is key, for everyone.? We should always hold each other accountable, and that’s easy if we all know what the goal is.? You don’t have to be the police, but you do have to always be inspecting the job, communicating daily, and reviewing what is happening and its results.? If changes need to be made so be it, but let’s do that as a part of the process, not because someone just disregards it and wants to do it another way.

No, we’re not using guns, expensive boats, and other things that come with a Game Warden holding people accountable.? It’s dangerous, takes a special kind of person to want to do it, but they do it to protect the resources and make things as best as they can be for the majority of the people.? No different for us…..we manage expensive assets, others money, and want to ensure that our Members and guests are always able to enjoy themselves, that’s what they pay for.? Do things the right way, don’t cheat…hold each other accountable, and hold yourself accountable as well.? Do it right, do it right the first time, and do it right all the time….that’s the formula for success wherever you are.

As always, Go Get Em.

Dale Folmar


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