Is Accountability Disappearing?

Steven Blank wrote a great post a couple of weeks ago, titled “No Excuses” about how he was holding his marketing team accountable for their actions. He discussed how key goals and projects were delayed or not completed because of an excuse epidemic.

His point to the team was to communicate. If you dropped the ball, say so, not give a lame excuse as to why you didn’t do your job. He also wanted his team to work (focus) on better time management and to get things done.

Seems simple enough; however, his post generated comments where individuals equated accountability with having a strict boss.

So, how did the cogitative meaning of accountability become associated with being strict? 

Accountability is a hot topic right now as people are frustrated by their peer’s lack of commitment and use of excuses. I was unable to complete such as such task because the dog was sick or I didn’t think it was that important. Or I just forgot. We’re frustrated because at times it seems like we are working with sloths and nothing is getting done. 

When you strip down the word accountability, it means – standing behind your word. In our ever changing world, where can we search for something better, with the swap of our screen, keeping our word doesn’t feel important anymore.

The problem transcends all generations. It’s a mindset that crept into our society. For this post, I will not dig into the reasons why because how we got here is complex; it's not just one reason is a combination of many.

What I am most concerned about and the reason for this post is that we are creating a culture and story line that lets accountability slide placing us, our companies, and the economy at risk.

Lack of accountability breeds complacency, if team members think their peers will not be required to get their job done, then why should they work long hours to finish a project. While I was obtaining my MBA, I spent a semester in St. Petersburg, Russia. One of the best decisions I’ve made as I learned more in that semester about the world than in any other class.

The Russians I met were like us, same worries and concerns. They also had a saying, which has stuck with me through the years, “we pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.”

When a CEO does not hold himself or herself accountable for their actions, no one else will either. 

When we share flawed hero stories (Hero’s Journey – Joseph Campbell – read if you have not) about how taking on $100,000 student loan debt will land you the perfect job of your dreams, we're not accountable to our children. 

Because carrying student loan debt the equitant of a home mortgage - sucks, creating a significant burden on the individual.

When we do not hold ourselves accountable to others, including our children we enforce this mindset. Being accountable has nothing to do with being strict. It means doing what you said you would do. From my experience, the lack of accountability creates stressed out management, because nothing is getting done, which in turn causes negative behavior.  

Assign homework – get it done. No excuses. Say you will show up on time – then do it. Schedule a meeting – then attend with your full attention. I can understand Steven’s frustration.

Accountability starts at home when we make an honest assessment of what we can do and what we can afford. We tell our children the truth about college; we tell them life is not always easy nor is your first job glamours. 

We make sure we're accountable to our family members, friends, and co-workers. If there is a problem, we speak up and fight complacency. 

We hold ourselves accountable. No sugar coating.  

Accountability is a form of insurance when everyone is getting things done with integrity, businesses and careers can overcome the challenges presented. I anticipate many changes coming this year and next, read history, and you’ll understand. We're just getting started on this roller coaster.  

When you allow complacency and the lack of accountability to take over your company, employees, and mindset, then it is only a matter of time before you will be fighting to keep your business alive or worse yet preparing for a fire sale. 

Thanks for reading. My writing, consulting, and speaking are on and

Recommended Reading:

We’re Not Ready For Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Is IBM Latest Restructuring the Canary in the Well?

Unfortunately, the issue of accountability has invaded every corner of our daily, government and our personal lives. As the author states, accountability starts at home. Let us all take this to heart and try to make meaningful change in our lives.



