Accountability Against Colleges
Wednesday March 6th, 2023
This week in Ryan's Weekly Wave Newsletter: A lawmaker proposes that colleges should pay for outstanding student loan debt, job candidates and recruiters both “ghost” each other, and sleep deprived people curse more.
In the News
Ethics, Schmethics: Americans are increasingly pessimistic lately when they are asked to rate the ethics of various occupations. (Gallup)
An AI Industry Probe: An investigation into whether OpenAI misled investors has been launched by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (Quartz)
SATs still Optional: Widely-circulated headlines about several Ivy League schools’ decisions to reinstitute testing requirements as a criteria for entry have not been predictive of other colleges' behavior. (Vox)
Other News
Ghosts that We Know: People hate when recruiters from companies “ghost” them but data suggest that 78% of job candidates do it and 62% plan to. (CNBC)
A Deeper Dive - One Way to Control College Costs
The Higher Education Act is up for renewal by Congress and it has been for quite some time. The 1965 legislation was last updated over a decade ago but there is a widespread sentiment that it is outdated and in need of reform.
A proposal known as HR 6951, or ‘The College Cost Reduction Act’ has been advanced by Republican Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, who is the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.
The Contents of the Proposed Legislation
The American Council on Education put together an easy-to-follow summary of what is in the Bill:
Opponents argue that the bill would harm minority and low income people. Proponents argue that the burgeoning student loan debt has already harmed these groups and that reigning in escalating costs is of paramount importance.
Perhaps most interestingly, the bill imposes a form of risk-sharing on the part of colleges. Under the College Cost Reduction Act, colleges would join students as bearing some of the risk if enough students who attend a college are unable to pay off their loans.
What I’m Listening To
We’re seeing a fundamental reorganization of work in America - Plain English with Derek Thompson (Podcast Episode)
This was a fun exploration of the fascinating recent disconnect between the positive economic numbers that we have seen recently and the lagging consumer economic sentiment scores. (YCharts)
In 2020, median wages increased significantly. However, a closer look at the data reveals that the reason for the higher median wage was not higher wages. Instead, their was widespread unemployment in lower income sectors.
This skewed the median income for reported wages because many lower income earners were excluded from the data.?
Other topics that were discussed include the decreasing ‘college wage premium’ and promise of recent increases in real wages.
Quote of the Week
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”?
- Denis Waitley
Articles of the Week
Friends appreciate you for who you are, rather than for who they want you to be. (Marc and Angel)
Too bored or too busy at work? Change your day to day for a better life. (Breakfast Leadership)
Hobbies make life worthwhile but what we say “no” to is just as important as what we say “yes” to. (Get Rich Slowly)
From Deep Dive Careers: An Enriching Life Requires Responsible Thinking, Not Extremism
Other Fun Stuff
A study suggests that people who are sleep deprived are more prone to cursing. (Current Psychology)
Dad Joke of the Week
"Dad, I saw a deer on the way to school this morning."
"How do you know it was on its way to school?!"
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