Account Pyramids in Sage X3
Account pyramids are the manner in which accounts are associated with one another in account groups as user-defined in sage x3. The account pyramids could also be known as account rollups in the way that account groups ‘roll up’ to greater account categorizations in summary form for reporting purposes. In Sage X3, Account pyramids can be created using the auto generate function or the duplicate function. To begin, navigate to the account pyramids screen on the following path:
All > common data > G/L accounting tables > General > account pyramids
As shown in figure 1.
Click new on the right-hand side of the screen as seen below to use the auto generate function in pyramid creation. As shown in figure 2.
Fields denoted with the red asterisk (*) must have values to satisfy the creation of account groups. A code must be assigned under the pyramid input area. The description and short description input areas are not mandatory, but can be used to provide useful common language and identifiers. The pyramid must be associated with a chart of accounts as seen in the image below.
The roles able to access the pyramid can be defined (below) for control purposes of editing and reconfiguration.
As Shown in Figure 4.
Access code and stat group will be generated once the pyramid is created with the check (√). The auto generate pyramid or duplicate pyramid functions are found in the top right-hand corner of the active window as denoted by the three vertical dots. As shown in Figure 5.
A message box may appear that states that account groups already exist. Click ok and continue to the generate pyramid screen as shown below. This screen shows the number of levels in the pyramid with 50 being the lowest vertical display and 10 being the highest in this example.
As shown in figure 6.
The pyramid will then be available for visual display. As shown in Figure 7.
The pyramid may be modified by hovering the mouse indicator over the area of the pyramid the user wishes to modify and selecting the action from the drop-down listing noted below. As shown in Figure 8.
Conclusion: Use account pyramids in dimension balance inquiry or for financial data extraction. The duplicate pyramid function, found in the top right-hand corner of the active window on the pyramid screen, can be used to quickly adopt a duplicate of a previously created pyramid. The duplicated pyramid can then be modified, added to, or simplified through similar steps as noted above.