Account & Media planning is the only solution for accuracy and efficacy in PR Measurement...
Ganapathy Viswanathan
Independent Communication Consultant and content Specialist. Visiting Faculty at Xavier's Institute of Communication Mumbai.
The topic of PR measurement needs more attention with brands and agencies as there is always a debate when it comes to measuring a PR campaign. Getting a coverage is always a challenge which is followed by the quality of the coverage and finally its impact and how the coverage stood in the overall measurement done for the campaign. The interpretation on measurement still needs clarity and some consensus so that the industry follows one standard formula which will help in determining every rupee spent on a PR campaign.
It was pleasure conversing with Siddhartha Mukherjee, Founder, Brand Balance, who is an experienced PR professional for over two decades and who brings an on-ground understanding of domains such as - Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Advertising, Media & Account Planning, Media & Market Research and Brand & Media Measurement. In a candid chat he shared his views on PR measurement , its challenges and how the industry should move forward and arrive at some consensus to follow a uniform method or process to evaluate a PR campaign.
1. You have seen the industry from all three sides – as a corporate communicator, a PR agency professional, and as business head of PR/Earned Media Measurement & Data Analytics service. Now, as you head a neutral Brand Reputation ERP Management Consultancy for the C-suite & Chief Communication Offer “Collective”, how do you foresee the importance of PR and its measurement?
Before we speak of measurement, it is important to first set the context about the importance of public relations. If one were to go by the book or the actual definition of what PR is and the value it is meant to create for any kind of brand or organization, it can be simply said that PR has the potential to insure or insulate an organization’s balance sheet. Business custodians across organizations are steadily realizing the importance of not just scientific & sustained public (stakeholder) relations but also the enhanced role (KRAs and KPIs) of their corporate communications function. This is why, they are also redesigning and optimizing their corporate communication ERPs – efforts, resources, and processes.
Given this, we can obviously imagine the desired magnitude of the measurement framework, the task at hand, and the tangible capabilities this measurement engine should bring to the table.
There are many benefits that this ideal or futuristic measurement engine should accrue for the corporate client – a) on-the-go understanding of the mood of the business ecosystem b) mapping its brand reputation scores c) ability to back-track and pinpoint the root cause for any dip in scores due to imbalances in ERPs - efforts, resources or processes d) showcase ROO and ROI value the communication function has been able to bring on the table e) understand competition thought process f) media intelligence g) fortify client-agency relationship h) strengthen client organization’s Data and MiS and so on.
2. Do you think PR measurement has evolved in the last 10 years?
The use of the word “evolved” in your question is interesting. Measurement & associated Data Analytics in any industry is a reflection of the state of maturity of the industry itself. In other words, the categories & quality of services being offered by measurement service providers will evolve as the customers of this service evolve.
Currently, just around 5% of the corporates have evolved to a level where they are attempting, exploring, or systematically experimenting to implement what measurement actually stands for. For me, this is a good start and an indication of a new beginning! It is a sign of brave heartedness! More importantly, it is a sign of increasing comfort and dependency between Top Management and the Corporate Communications function.
The rest of the industry is still confusing PR Monitoring - some quick quantitative & qualitative analysis - as measurement. However, I am confident that this current ratio will see a change in the coming times.
The moment we realize that measurement & associated data analytics have the ability to bring change at the grass root level for the PR & Corporate Communications industry in terms of acknowledgment, talent, investment, and growth, the pace of evolution will become faster.
3. What do you think are the challenges that should be addressed for faster penetration of scientific PR measurement in the industry?
I would see challenges as opportunities! At the grass root level is an opportunity to change the perception of the end customer – the C-suite.
The C-suite or the top management’s perception of PR and therefore its measurement needs a massive shift. Aspects such as - Top Management’s understanding of what PR really is, how it can be leveraged for a stronger balance sheet, ways of effectively involving and leveraging Corporate Communications machinery, Top Management’s involvement & duties towards Corporate Communications, and the support system it needs, the world of possibilities in Measurement and Data Analytics, etc. - need to be addressed. The corner offices will benefit when they understand that public relations is actually about balance sheet health and not just about managing negative news or headlines, dispatching press releases, and managing news coverage.
If this opportunity is addressed and strengthened well, every other aspect will fall into place. Sequentially, even the last-mile deliveries of the PR measurement and data analytics service will get upgraded and aligned.
For this opportunity to be leveraged effectively, the PR & Corporate Communications Industry will have to put up a united front comprising PR Agencies, Corporate Communicators, and measurement service providers. This cohesive force will have to start and sustain a series of orientation or “PR for PR” programs with Top Management.
4. What according to you will be the right process or method to be followed to get a somewhat accurate measurement of PR campaigns? If you can briefly elaborate?
Account & Media planning is the only solution for accuracy and efficacy in PR Measurement. Measurement without any prior effort of account and media planning is a waste of time! Let me explain why.
First, there is a need to acknowledge and take pride in the fact that the PR Industry, unlike the advertising industry, is the only communication corridor that builds and sustains the demand for a corporate brand across not just consumers but other strategic stakeholders like government, investors, employees, business vendors, social observers, etc. In other words, it is PR that brings balance to the business demand in the true sense. With this perspective, therefore, the definition & dynamics of the term “campaign” becomes very complicated and intense.
Secondly, we need to be clear about what we mean by measurement. So far, the industry has been misinterpreting the basic quantitative and qualitative PR monitoring numbers as the be-all and end-all of measurement. The industry has been stuck here for years! The standard evaluation of the share of voice, tonality, geographic spread, spokesperson visibility, and so on are all outputs of PR Monitoring. Measurement, in its true sense, comes into the picture when we are able to show the outcome of the PR efforts on the brand and business scores. Some of us also refer to this concept as the INPUT-OUTPUT-OUTCOME model. A few others refer to it as the EXPOSURE-ENGAGEMENT-CONVERSION model. In the former case, measurement is incomplete without outcome evaluation. For the latter, evaluating engagement and conversion makes it complete.
Now to bring in accuracy in measurement, there first needs to be accuracy in planning and execution. Not just that! We also need to remember that planning itself is a systematic process comprising listening, benchmarking, target setting, etc. So, planning needs proper ERPs – efforts, resources and processes.
For this massive assembly line to move efficiently and accurately, the industry will need to adopt the practice of account and media planning. PR Industry, as a service provider, has to eat, sleep and breathe this language. Stakeholder management and its measurement will get strengthened immensely through account and media planning.
5. Is there always a disagreement between a client and the PR agency when it comes to PR measurement? What is the client brief to the agency when measuring the PR campaigns?
Contrary to the common perception, an efficient and neutral PR measurement service should work as the fortifier of a Client-PR Agency relationship. Disagreement happens when either of the parties – the client or the PR agency - is not aware of the benefits of an efficient and neutral service. There are umpteen examples where a healthy PR measurement engine has not only enabled the corporate communication function to fetch handsome top management appraisals but also enabled PR agencies to not only retain clients but also to convince the client to sanction a healthy fee hike.
If I may add, the last mile success of measurement rests in the hands of the PR agencies. I must commend PRCAI for taking a lot of measures to drive the culture of scientific and neutral measurement deep into the PR Agency ecosystem.
6. What are the measurement methods followed for PR globally? Can we not follow them in India?
I believe that in many ways, the Indian PR Measurement Industry is way ahead of its global peers. Having said this, a common thread that needs to run between India and the global community is imbibing the culture of account and media planning. The concept of objective setting and objective meeting. As mentioned earlier, the culture of INPUT-OUTPUT-OUTCOME needs to be drilled down within the grass root level of the industry. Global industry consortiums like AMEC and FIBEP are working towards this.
As I mentioned earlier, the 5% of India Inc., which is exploring or attempting measurement, in its true sense, has already started following and building the concept of Input, Output, and Outcome. More so, they are setting scientific ERPs – efforts, resources, and processes – to make each of the three blocks work.
7. Finally, the PR industry has to arrive at some consensus to follow a uniform measurement policy. How can this happen and what is your valuable advice to industry professionals?
A PR Measurement report is an outcome of a long assembly line of manual and technology-based processes at the backend. So, we need to be clear about what exactly we want to bring uniformity in. It may not always be a good idea to expect uniformity in the entire assembly line through and through. There will need to be customizations in some of the processes including what a specific client wants in an end-of-the-month report such as media universe, markets, data cuts needed, and so on.
However, there can certainly be uniformity in areas such as a) Unit of measurement – EAV or AVE should be banned by the Industry bodies. It is an industry cancer. Instead, a more holistic unit of measurement should be introduced which is a weighted balance of PR quantity and quality b) data coding norms need to be standardized c) training of talent involved in measurement services should be standardized d) bringing in the intelligent use of market research or primary studies