On Account of Creation There Was Farm Life

By Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter ?10 21 21

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The original purpose and the plan was?to head out on a mission for my birthday,?then follow the plan I was given years ago, something I called "birthday giving." Alas my birthday giving was postponed,?until the beginning of the Fall season.

This wasn't my plan; however, I was willing to wait.

What you may not know about me is that I've been writing for much of my life. In the beginning years, my writing was aimed at helping my family?better understand something they didn't see or understand, little did I know that God was going to make this my life-giving mission in life.?

Kathleen: the name comes from the root term meaning "pure." The fact is, my name is so important, it was written into the Beattitudes.

Scriptures say,?

"God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God." Matt 5:8

What was Jesus saying, when he said "they will see God?"

Although I was raised to believe in God, the fruit of knowing God, (seeing the wholly fruition of God) didn't take place when the seed was first sown,?time was needed before I would grow into my birth name.

When you review the lexicon, regarding the "pure" of heart that will see God, this purity is akin to the clearing away of old debris from a living, breathing, fruit~bearing perennial; so that it will flourish, and this all indicates that "seeing" God, is a process with a final good produced in the end.

When you review the term "good" in the American Heritage Dictionary, you will see that goods are portable; however, there are many things you can't take with you when you leave this place we call home.??

John Ortberg will explain what you CAN'T take with you "When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box,"?at youtube, TobyMac and Chris Tomlin reveal what IS portable, when "Boomin" about that feast at "The Table" of the Lord.?MercyMe, there's a "Ghost..There's a ghost inside of me." Listen and you will see "He came just like a welcomed friend...(and)...Holiness keep haunting me."

And so it seems, Spirit-annointed eyesight is a process that culminates in a fruit-bearing knowledge, of the devine nature of God. And what the other John will show you, in the last book of the Bible, is what WILL go in the books when the game is over; this is revealed in?Revelation 3:5 and Revelation 21:27.

So, how is it that Abraham was given a "new" name,? and I had to grow into mine?

Is it possible Abraham, like myself, was Abraham in the beginning; however, he and others were unable to see who he was created to be until the appointed time?

I bee-leaf, God decided, a little pollination is needed, before we will come into the full fruition of who we were mint to be. I do hope that is a re-leaf to you, as it is to me.?

There are places to see, places to stay, gifts to purchase, bags to pack.?Ready now, this is the time to go on the "Great Adventure."?Steven Curtis Chapman penned the song years ago with a good friend, Geoff Moore. Search and you will find this song. I hope that when you listen to the song, you will take this with you wherever you go.

Do you know the Biblical significance of that tune?

Moses went on this great adventure, and you can too! "For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves to day to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother;?that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day. ?And it came to pass on the morrow,?that Moses said unto the people,?Ye have sinned a great sin:?and now I will go up unto the LORD;? peradventure I shall make an?atonement for your sin."?Exodus 32:29-30 KJV

Atoned for, or attuned...Apple or Peach; fruit picking can be so difficult!

If you've not read about "The Beauty of Both" I wrote a few years back, you may enjoy the way that story ties in with this trip to the San Luis Obispo?"Apple Farm Inn" and "Peach Tree Inn."?

What's more, I find it interesting, that my initial plans to visit the?Holy Ghost IHOP in SLO, were changed...after I came to understand that "Obispo" is the Spanish term for bishop.

Creative Parenting (with 936 Pennies) decided I should leave the IHOP gift?at the Garden Grove, Hilton Inn, and?do the Holy Ghost Hop near the Motel 6 at Harbor Boulevard, at Mission Ventura, so that you can CA Amazon, Itunes seed-day.?

Nonetheless, the plan remained:

A "Pumpkin Patch Parable" for the Apple Farm Inn;

A book that explains how the figurative language in those parables

(also found in the word of God) shows us the way we were

"Made To Thrive" at the Peach Tree Inn.

Why a Pumpkin parable, at an Apple Farm,

and a explanation of figurative language?related to

"Cultivating an Abundant Life" at a Peach Tree Inn?

The answer may surprise you...

This is my "Testimony" @ Elevation Worship: just prior to my arrival at Apple Farm Inn, I had gifted the "Double Tree in Rosemead, CA with a red Bullet Journal, so that every? "Citizen of Heaven" Tauren Wellsprings of living waters could get registered ASAP.

I had hoped to leave the first one at the Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in Orange, CA. Upon asking if I could leave one there, I was instructed to get approval from the Diocese first, thus the first log was delayed by the laity,?and so the second was left at the front registration desk on the double,?the Double Tree.

Of gourd, I understand the connection may still not be clear yet; therefore, let me explain?that (in) addition to going to a cemetery in Orange, CA?and the DoubleTree in Rosemead, CA, long before reaching fir the?Apple Farm Inn and Peach Tree Inn, Pa ached. The good good padre's sweet pain-staking desire?was for you and for me to be fruitful.?

Well, Isn't that just peachy?

The Point of Grace is this: when we see ChrisTomlin, and say I'm "Reaching For You," God is "Dying to Reach You" too!

?I've heard it said,?"Begin with the end in mind." This is scriptural, and?I will further explain this in the end.?In doing so, I knew that to provide an understanding of how the Apple Farm Inn and the Peach Tree Inn are related to "The Pumpkin Patch Parable" and how we were "Made To Flourish,"?I must first go back to the Genesis account?of when the fall first began with the "forbidden" tree of knowledge (of good and bad) that had been chosen.

Searching the scriptures,?you won't find a "pumpkin" per se, what you will find in 2 Kings 4:38-44 gives us the first glimpse into how a gourd is?linkedin with an Apple Farm Inn and a Peach Tree Inn.

Throughout the scriptures (a farm) was known as?pasture land, and caring for this land was part of the priestly ordained duties.?So when "gourds" were placed in a pot?for the community to eat and there was concern about the safety of what they were eating, who did they call?


They called Elisha, the prophet who had received a DOUBLE portion of the spirit from the prophet Elijah. 2Ki 2:9?

Are you beginning to see the picture?

See, I was listening to this song on the way here: "At the Cross (Love Ran Red)" by Chris Tomlin If you aren't able to go see the two plates that were left at the two Inns, I hope you will?appreciate the picture they paint, via Dollar Tree...

With a little gratitude at Apple Farm Inn, a large palette paints the picture of beautiful change that can forever preserve us at the Peach Tree Inn!??

A cross is known as a "post" used to execute a person. Not one peice of wood, but two are joined together for a purpose. Like the tree of knowlege, the purpose set forth to "execute" can be good or bad. A cross pear-son can hurt others, and a fruitful pear-son can help others safely go across a divided territory.?

Understanding helps bridge the great divide, in the same way work is re-choired, like the tilling of this story,?one must dig below the surface, and grasp what they find.

Should this topic further interest you, so that you better understand God's original plan, this sort of "getting your hands dirty" is possible with BibleStudyTools.com, Strongs Exhaustive Bible Condordance; and online bible tools such as blueletterbible.org (in addition to the "gifts" that were provided along the?California Mission Trail.)

When you review the term?"face" you will know that the "face" describes the surface matter;?this is what you see without?depth of knowlege of what lies?beneath the surface matter.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary (ahdictionary.com) This also describes the end point of?"a mine or tunnel, at which work is advancing."

So when God began,?"..the earth was without form, and void;?and darkness was upon the (face) of the deep.?And the Spirit of God moved upon the (face) of the waters. Genesis 1:2 KJV

You will begin to get a picture of how God ties?two things in with one another for a purpose, that is linkedin with understanding.?


(The Palettes and the Preserves)

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"...we see through a glass, darkly;?but then face to face:?now I know in part;?but then shall I know?even as also I am known." 1 Cor 13:12 KJV

My hope, is that in understanding, you will grow to see the good fruit of the Spirit God intended for you, long, long ago.

LORD God says,

?"Keep my commandments,? and live; and my law?as the apple of thine eye." Prov 7:2 KJV


" Keep me as the apple of the eye hide me under the shadow of thy wings." Psalm 17:8 KJV

The beauty of this psalm is not easily found. Amazon.com has "The Complete Jewish Study Bible"?where you are able to see the depth of meaning.

Psalms is the Hebrew term "tehilìm," a term that also refers to the fringes? of a Jewish Prayer Shawl...This is the "fringe" noted in Mat 9:20 that the woman touched,in order to be healed.

(Blanket Us)

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Shawn Cassidy keeps this writing "Under Wraps." Donna Summers says this "Hard Love" is "Hot Stuff" Bay-be.

For this reason a red blanket with fringes was left at the Apple Farm Inn, for those who visit the two Inns to see. My hope was that those who flock here, will be covered in the warmth of knowing the love that is wrapped up in those love stories gifted just for you.

The two jars: a pumpkin jar at the Apple Farm Inn, and the preserve jar at Peach Tree Inn have more than one purpose. These two jars are linkedin with the gifts left at the two Hilton locations, The Garden Grove Hilton Garden Inn, and the Double Tree Hilton in Rosemead for you to have a greater understanding of God's great plan-it!

The record of rememberance presents (gifted along the Mission Trail) will be updated here.

What's more, there are many activities under the sun, that will be a perpetual planting within the heart,?should you choose to do so.?

Here Is Just One Activity Example On What You Can Do With That Pumpkin Jar, and/or Preserve Jar That Was Gifted At The Two Inns, for although you were "Made To Flourish," you are one of a kind!

Each time a thought comes to the surface (of an anxiety provoking event you've faced), write this on a yellow strip of paper, and toss this into the pumpkin jar. This is a reminder of what you've held on to that needs to be cleared away.

Then, on a white sheet of paper, write a biblical promise you can hold on to, with a pair of scissors, shape this promise into the seed of faith you need. When you deposit the seed, remove the event that stripped you of the joy that keeps you delighted.?

BibleGateway.com with More Resources, and the Amazon "Promises of Security" by Beth Moore is found at the Soledad Visitor's and Gateway Center in CA too.

When you are, indeed, delighted, "Light A Candle" "Keep The Candle Burning" and?"Go Light Your World" with Kathi Trocoli, Avalon, and the Point Of Grace, as you take time to read how we are the kin-da folk "Made To Thrive" at Casting Crowns, and Beth Moore "Made To Flourish" in that "Pumpkin Patch Parable" by Liz Curtis Higgs.

In addition to these two lovely locations in CA,?the Davies Family Inn in Placerville, CA is not too far from Apple Hill Growers in Camino, CA. There was a lovely fruit-filled vine? located on the porch of the Inn, when last I visited.

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This fruit is found at many a mission field, where Mission 316 is bringing forth an abundant harvest of righteousness, and in the farming communities surrounding Monterey County, CA. Many bed and breakfast Inns are nearby (such as Gizdich Ranch in Watsonville, Casa de Fruita in Hollister, "The Farm" in Salinas, and not too far from Kasper-Kat's home, you will find Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont, CA where the monarchs gather together.

Well, that just about wraps up this?(in)Edition at Facebook.com Carman will give you the low down on the "Well" cause "Sunday's On The Way," and if you pickup that "Sunday School Rock"?when you face "James and the Giant Peach," "to really break it down...pay attention to the teacher" at Wikipedia; there is a synopsis of the original?"James and the Giant Peach" book by Rohl Dahl, with notes regarding the Film and Musical adaptations.

If, by chance, you are looking for more content-ed-knees,

I am Linkedin/in/kathleenkasper-KatArmstrong

and Instagram.com/kasperkatarmstrong


and kasperkattweets @twitter too keep?

everyone (in)formed when the Spirit is desending

like a dove, and abode in the Son.

There is more for you than this; however,

Sandi Patti with Wayne Watson say?this is saved for

"Another Time and Another Place!"


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