Acclaimed ? Happiness Masterclass ? for Alumni at Stanford Business School  by Prof. Fred Luskin

Acclaimed ? Happiness Masterclass ? for Alumni at Stanford Business School by Prof. Fred Luskin

When Top business Schools put a “Happiness Course” as part of their curriculum and “Purpose” is center to many conversations, it indicates that organizations wishing to attract the new generation of talented leaders, need to have a clear and lived purpose for what they do and for how they manage and develop their people.

Some “Happiness” pearls of wisdom from Prof. Luskin class included:

  • You will be happier if you can be “present centered”, live in the moment and mindfully enjoy any goodness.
  • Approach any challenge with a positive mindset.  Your mindset will influence your happiness.  Adopt a: “What can I do to have a better day” approach.
  • Individuals living on a path consistent with their inner self, values and purpose are happier.
  • Nurturing rich and fruitful relationships (friends, families, colleagues) is a key happiness ingredient (Dixit Harvard Happiness Study)
  • Some stress is good to strive, grow … but too much stress is destructive. Techniques exist to build happiness pathways and reduce stress. We could experience some during the class.

Professor Lurkin concluded that happy people tend to be more productive and achieve more over the long run as they are able to keep their health, energy and enthusiasm.

This seems quite intuitive to me but it is always a good reminder and nice to know there is scientific backing behind this. It is also wonderful to see that the Stanford GSB really lives up to its mission to “Change Lives, Change Organizations and Change the World”. @authentic leadership; @emotional intelligence; @GSB Fall Reunion

For more, see prof. Larkin on youtube :


