People Divine
I am widely open to, and look forward to any sensible challenge!
I have said on a couple of occasions, there was no one named ‘god’. I have also said, the concept of ‘god’ is just about 500 years old. God is a title, not an entity that lived, is living, or ever will live. The Egyptian kings and queens are not known by their names. They are known as pharaohs. Another example, Haile Selassie I ... English trans.: "Power of the Trinity," born Lij Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael – His name, Tafari, brought the genesis of the Rastafarian movement. Extremely few people know his name.
The Holy Trinity was known as Aset, Ausur, and Heru. Of course the name ‘Heru’ is incorrect. The Holy Trinity as named by the Hebrew is Yah, Yahweh, and Yahshua. Yah is not shown in the Hebrew bible, only Yahweh, and Yahshua. The Akan people named their girlchild Yah, because she was born on a Thursday. The Akan people are the fols who designed and developed the Ancient Egyptian civilization. Thus the Akan people are the Ethiopians. The Akan empire was part of Ancient Ethiopia. In Dr. Nana Banchie Darkwah’s work “The Africans Who Wrote The Bible”, he demonstrates how Ayesu as corrupted all the way to Jesus. Dr. Nana Banchie Darkwah, is an Akan prince.
Just as how there is rhythm with Yah, Yahweh, and Yahshua, wouldn’t there have been the same rhythm with Aset, Ausur, and Ayesu? If the Hebrews used Aset, Ausur, as the names of the deities leading the ‘tribe’, they will have used the “A”, aleph, to represent the bull and its strength to pull the rest of the Hebrew alphabet. Hence the thinking behind Ayesu.
I must repeat, there never was an entity named ‘god’ that lived, is living, or ever will live. The name of the divine who created humankind, is Ninki the Mother. There never was any entity creating humankind named ‘god’.
BTW – all deities or divine beings, were Ethiopian.
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