Accessing the Wealth of Nations
Ifeanyi Akaleme
Ph.D, Marketing, Italy | MBA, Nexford, USA | Global Education Advocate | Top 10 Africa Brand Influencer | $10 Million+ in Sales | At the interplay of EdTech, FinTech & HealthTech
There is a blessing with your name on it. You are a masterpiece created after the master's image. You are so that there are no two persons like you. Out of 8 Billion people on the surface of the earth, you’re one of a kind. So, why downplay? Why play so little? Angels are spirits, yet, God has made you a little lower than they are. You can command Angels and put them to flight.?
Would you happen to know why?
It is because you’re the only one created in God’s image. The owner of the universe created you in His form. You carry God’s DNA. Can you imagine that?
What technology can differentiate 8 billion people that they neither look alike nor have the same voice tone?
What technology can defy the uniqueness of fingerprinting?
Why do you not see yourself as a divine person?
Why do you not see yourself as a miracle?
We have so much forgotten that as kings we now walk on foot while slaves ride on horseback.
Man, what happened to you?
“I have seen slaves on horseback while noblemen go on foot like slaves. ... And I have observed servants riding on horses, while princes walk on the ground” Ecclesiastes 10:7?
Jesus pointed out that you are gods.
But why have you just forgotten?
Gods rule over kingdoms - nations!
I am super interested in the well-being and wealth of nations.
I have the mandate to access and maximize the wealth of nations.
Let me amaze you!
So is EVERYONE of us.
I will give you hidden treasures from dark, concealed places and wealth waiting in secret sites so that you recognize me, for it is I, Yahweh, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name! Isaiah 45:3
The Gospel of the kingdom is a gospel for nations.
Do you remember the great commission, the greatest mandate?
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
Everyone of us is a mighty nation. Every single individual is a nation waiting to explode.
How are you building with people around you?
How are you impacting your friend, your neighbor?
How is your relationship with your colleagues?
Wealth is built on the foundations of community and global relevance.
Jesus started this journey thousands of years ago.
This movement is one that is unstoppable.
You belong to the body of Christ and are therefore “UNSTOPPABLE!”
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Mark 16:18
Jesus is calling you to the Altar and this will happen in the next 3 months.
Build an altar full of fire and revelation.
It is called the FIRE OF REVELATION.
Keep proclaiming this week, "There is a blessing with my identity on it!"
Remain ever blessed!
To be continued next Sunday...??
Everything I have written will not apply to you if you are still living in sin. It is time to totally surrender and live a life full of joy and peace.
Say this prayer with me;
“Lord Jesus, I recognize that you died and rose again for my sake. I recognize that you defeated death, hell, and the grave for my sake. Today, I receive you. I accept you as my LORD and personal Savior. I believe I am saved. Amen.?
Save this date in your life's journal. Today marks a new beginning in your life. A life of greatness has begun for you, your brand, and your business.
Remain ever blessed.
As my culture is, I'd like to introduce you to a couple of things that have helped my purpose this season.
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If you enjoy my writings, please follow me on LinkedIn for more. ??????
Do you have any questions, suggestions, or comments? Please, feel free to write me.
Thank you for sharing your time with me!
Your friend,
Ifeanyi Akaleme, MBA.
Ph.D, Marketing, Italy | MBA, Nexford, USA | Global Education Advocate | Top 10 Africa Brand Influencer | $10 Million+ in Sales | At the interplay of EdTech, FinTech & HealthTech
2 年God is calling you to the place of the Altar. The place of deep worship. #linkedinforcreators #worship
Ph.D, Marketing, Italy | MBA, Nexford, USA | Global Education Advocate | Top 10 Africa Brand Influencer | $10 Million+ in Sales | At the interplay of EdTech, FinTech & HealthTech
2 年The table is set, at the ALTAR! Please go in ???? #linkedin #linjedinfam