Accessing Medicines From Abroad: From Obstacles to Solutions

Accessing Medicines From Abroad: From Obstacles to Solutions

If you or a loved one were suffering from a life-threatening condition and a treatment existed somewhere, would it be fair to wait years for local approval?

The patients we support every day don’t think so either.?

They might not call it courage, but their unwavering search for options is exactly that. They are ready to face the complex and confusing process of obtaining medicine from abroad, and we are proud to be their allies in this fight.?

For those who have never had to access medicines before they’re available in your country, here are some of the obstacles patients face when trying to do it on their own.

Obstacle #1: Lack of knowledge

This problem has two sides. On one hand, many patients are unaware that it’s possible, safe, and legal to import medicines that aren’t yet approved in their country. On the other hand, few doctors know about this practice and their authority to prescribe medicines not locally available.

While importing treatments from abroad isn't always applicable and wouldn’t be standard practice for most doctors, Named Patient Access ?is a perfectly viable option under certain conditions. In some cases, it’s the only option to get treatment on time.

At we are the No. 1 global experts on Named Patient Access and we’ve helped thousands of patients and their doctors to get the medicine they urgently needed.

More patients should benefit from this option. Therefore, we work hard to spread the word about what’s possible and how it works. We partner with doctors, providing them with all the information they need to best support their patients. From understanding their rights and responsibilities when prescribing an unapproved medicine, to supporting them to get the medicine in their hands and start the treatment.?

Obstacle #2: Finding the medicine

Knowing that Named Patient Access is possible is just the first step; the next challenge is actually finding the medicine.?

Patients need their doctor’s support to contact the medicine’s manufacturer. Often, for recently approved medicines, manufacturers are not yet prepared to support Named Patient Access for patients in other countries.

What can be done if that’s the case?

The patient and their doctor might consider joining a local clinical trial. However, this involves finding a suitable trial, meeting eligibility criteria, and accepting the risk of being assigned to the control group.

Alternatively, patients can try to contact a pharmaceutical company?directly to purchase the medicine. Unfortunately, this approach has slim chances of success, as pharmaceutical companies typically do not (and legally cannot) sell?directly to individual patients.

Here’s where’s role and expertise come in. As an independent registered pharmaceutical platform, we connect pharmaceutical companies from around the globe with the patient in need, the treating doctor and their pharmacist, ensuring that the prescribed medicine safely reaches the patient as quickly as possible.

Obstacle #3: Getting the medicine to the patient

Even if patients manage to find the right source for their medicine, wholesalers or manufacturers are unlikely to arrange logistics or customs clearance. These tasks often fall on the shoulders of the patient’s family.

To begin, a patient's family needs to contact their local health ministries and customs authorities to determine the necessary paperwork for safe transportation and delivery of their medicine. Requirements may vary depending on the country from which the medicine is being shipped as well as regulations of the patient’s country.

Additionally, patients must find a suitable logistics partner, arrange for pick-up, and ensure that the medicine is shipped safely and under the appropriate conditions according to its prescribing information.

At, we have been building our Medicine Access expertise for the past eight years. We’ve successfully arranged for the shipment and import of often fragile medicines in over 95 countries. While any patient with sufficient time and motivation might navigate this process on their own, having an experienced ally makes it that much easier. And safety is assured.

Obstacle #4: Affordability and reimbursement

Newly approved medicines often come with a hefty price tag, leaving many patients feeling helpless. These medicines are not only expensive but are also rarely reimbursed by insurance companies.

This is an obstacle we haven’t fully overcome. Yet.?

Even so, we’re actively working towards a solution by:

  • spreading information about existing reimbursement programs that may benefit patients;
  • providing tips on crowdfunding, which some patients have successfully used to cover the cost of their treatment;
  • establishing the foundation to raise awareness and funds for medicine access affordability.?

As we continue to grow, expand our partnerships, and raise our voice, we aim for a future where we can support patients with medicine costs and facilitate access to the treatments they need. No one’s life should have a price tag.

Help turn obstacles into solutions

Do you want to help more people afford the treatment they need? Donations to the foundation are a great way to do so. All funds collected go for 100% directly towards covering medicine access costs for the patients who otherwise can’t afford them.?

And while every individual donation matters, corporate donations matter faster. Why not share our cause with your HR or CSR department? If you work in the Pharma industry, consider getting in touch with us to discuss the option of donating medicines.?

Have other ideas? Our door is always open. Until medicine access is a reality for everyone.

