Accessible Authenticity
William Corley
Author of Financial Fitness: The Journey from Wall Street to Badwater 135; Professional Money Manager with
The ABCs of Life: Awareness, Balance, Compassion for Oneself
Do you frequently put yourself second? We often put others' lives before our own; why? What would happen if we actually prioritized our needs and wants instead for once? Would this enable us to be better versions of ourselves to ourselves and others? This week, I propose a self-challenge of embracing life's accessible pleasures. How, simply by taking a moment to ponder, breathe, and reflect.
Socrates informed us, "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Step into your awareness. Take a pause for sixty seconds. Notice your thoughts and how they come and go, particularly those that arise out of nowhere, and then how thoughts pass away.
Notice how you react to your thinking and thought. Notice your actions and reactions to others. Are you open, agreeable, or disagreeable? Are you processing their physical appearance or demeanor? Are you agreeing or taking exception to how they are? Do they please or offend you? Do you see them as attractive or unattractive?
How do you see yourself physically? Are you your ideal self? How's your health? Are you fit? Do you love yourself? Are you biased by your engrained concepts and programming? Is your perception clear or jaded? What makes you right? Do you know who you are?
The realization is telling and eye-opening, especially when it comes to drifting away from or losing our authentic selves. We become consumed by the mundane activities of daily life and forget who we truly are. Or we become who we assume the world tells us we are. It happens quickly. Have you considered altering your approach to perhaps attain a freshness of perspective?
Step with balance.
Maintaining a wholesome balance between work and play, rest and activity, alone time, and social time is essential. Getting too caught up in one area of our lives can lead to burnout or detouring our rite of passage.
Finding the right balance is different for each of us, and it may take trial and error to find what works best. Once we find that sweet spot, we get our mojo back! Here's a simple start. Begin by interrupting your day by pausing. Pause for sixty seconds and take ten deep breaths. Do this daily.
Be compassionate to you!
Frequently, we are unfair and too tough on ourselves, and we are our own worst critics. Change your channel to the G-rated version of yourself. How do G-rated movies play out? Yes, they are uplifting, fun, and winners.
Einstein said, "Every human is a genius, but if you judge a fish by the way it climbs a tree,?it will spend its entire life believing it is inadequate." Kindness to oneself requires letting go of perceived perfectionism and allowing self room for space and understanding—compassion.
ABCs for You
Each individual's path to self-discovery is unique. The ABCs of Life—Awareness, Balance, and Compassion—are vital to keeping ourselves authentic to ourselves. Becoming more self-aware, achieving a work-life balance, and being patient and open with oneself can set the stage for personal freedom and flow. Trust me – your future self will thank you!