Accessibility Considering and Embedding within projects Mobile banking
Most project managers see accessibility as a legal obligation and/or additional burden – i.e. trying to make sense of and meet minimum compliance levels. Sounds familiar? In this session, Barclays will share their ethos and approach to accessibility along with some current initiatives and achievements.
Accessibility makes great business sense. 1 in 5 people have an impairment and this is growing as the population ages. When we launch pioneering services such as talking cash machines we differentiate ourselves from the competition and have seen customers voting with their feet as a consequence. Once organisations understand ‘why’ accessibility is important, the next question becomes ‘how’? – i.e. how to consider accessibility within the design, development, testing and deployment of a project.
Paul Smyth from Barclays will outline how accessibility is signposted within the project governance process, assessed and evidenced for Waterfall projects as well as current thinking on Agile project delivery. To support the project theory, this will be brought to life via a recent case study whereby the Barclays Mobile Banking app was redesigned to be made more accessible, leveraging external access consultants AbilityNet throughout the design and development of the new app rather than simply testing and auditing the end product.
Klara Wilhelm (Senior Propositions Manager, Barclays) will outline the project in the context of the wider mobile banking strategy and how the various teams were organised. Joe Chidzik (Senior Accessibility Consultant, AbilityNet) will describe the support and training provided to the project team at various stages, including disabled user testing, technical training and feedback on early user interface designs. The end outcome was a more simple and easy-to-use mobile banking app for all customers, especially those with access needs.
Klara and Joe will cover benefits realised by considering accessibility earlier and more explicitly within the project lifecycle as well as partnering with external experts. In addition to advice to organisations and project managers keen to increase their accessibility efforts and understanding, there will be the opportunity for a panel Q&A.
WHERE: Barclays, One Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP
DATE: 24th June 2015
TIME: 6pm – 8.30pm
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