Access Revoked
Imagine that you come into work one morning to find that write privileges in source control have been revoked for all QA’s.
As a QA, you can no longer write and check in automated tests without the help of a developer. You can’t spend any time writing extra test coverage at your desk. Perhaps you have some work in progress and perhaps a flaky test is currently breaking the build.
What would happen?
You might be forced to collaborate more closely with developers. While doing so, you may discover that the tests you were working on already have test coverage at other levels in your Test Pyramid. You’d need to justify the value of each test that you write.
You might identify issues with your test framework that could be improved; after all, who is better at cutting code and optimising than a developer?
By collaborating more closely with your team you also have the opportunity to impart your intent, express context and challenge your peers to own the quality of their work.
Now imagine that your write privileges were restored.
What would you change about the way you work?