Access Management: Framework for Efficient Customer Service in Businesses
Imagine a scenario where you own a business and you are managing a customer service platform. You see that your teams are facing a lot of problems collecting the right information from a mountain of data. What could be the solution for this? The answer is Access Management
The above example shows why organization is necessary in a software, and REVE Chat is providing just that with our latest updates to the Access Management feature. Using this feature, you can streamline customer service operations by creating roles and departments, limiting data access to what is needed.
Thus, we are here with an article to explain how our role management works and how it adds value to a business.
What is Access Management?
The concept of Access Management is simple: it's to create different roles for employees and give them different access permissions.
For example, if you create a role called "Agent," you will only give them access to chat history, SLA reporting, etc. You would not give the agent access to the Visual Flow Builder for your chatbot. That is a job for your "Admin," who can create the setup for your agents.
Hence, this feature is designed to organize a business by assigning multiple roles to employees and giving them different levels of access.
How Does Access Management Help a Business?
With Access Management, a company can organize their business in a lot of ways.
Through Access Management, a business not only organizes itself in a superior way but also makes operations better and simpler. That said, let's talk about the different aspects of our Access Management system.
Exploring The Different Aspects of Access Management
There are three main aspects of Access Management: Role Management, Agents, and Departments. Here is a breakdown of how those features work.
Role Management
The first component is Role Management, where you get to create roles in order to assign them to your employees later down the line. These roles can vary from "Agent" to something like "Admin" or Social Media Manager"; the naming depends on how you want to organize your customer service platform.
To create a role in our app, first you have to select the Settings option on our toolbar as highlighted in the image below.
Afterwards, you navigate down to Agent Management -> Role Management, as shown above. There you can see some examples of roles like Social Media Manager and such.
To create a new role, click the "+ Create Role" button at the top left of the app. This will open up a pop-up as shown below.
Give a name and description for this role. Afterwards, you edit these roles to give multiple permissions. Below is an example for the Social Media Manager role.
As you can see, you can change permissions on the right for any role. This will depend on the role you are creating and what reports you want to give your employees that are in that role.
After editing, you can see the permissions each role has in the main dashboard for Role Management. To learn more about our Role Management system in detail, please refer to this documentation on the topic.
Next, we go to Agents, which is vital for a customer service platform. This is where we can assign them the roles we created earlier. To do that, we go to the Agents tab as shown below.
Here, you can see the different agents, their contacts (hidden for privacy reasons), assigned departments, number of concurrent chats, etc. Using the filter option above, you can sort them by roles, as each agent has their role listed right below the name.
To create a new agent, use the button on the top right, which shows the window below.
In the new Agent window, you name the agent (in this case: Jim). Assign a user name, phone number, role, designation, and so on. Using this, you can create as many agents as your license will allow. To learn more about which license gives you how many agents, you can visit our pricing page.
The third and final section is creating departments where you can house the roles created for your customer service platform. Each department represents different parts of your business, and there are many situations where roles intersect.
Thus, using departments, the employees within that department can either access all reports their roles allow or just access department records. This option will either show as "Full Access" or "Limited Access."
Right above Role Management is the Departments tab, where you can see all the departments you have active. You can edit permissions by hovering over a department and adding agents as needed.
You can also create a new department by clicking the button on the top right. This will open a pop-up as shown below.
You just put in the name and description and assign agents into the departments as you see fit. With advanced settings, you can also change the permission settings for the agents in this department.
In Conclusion
To wrap up this article, we have showcased one of our latest features in version 5.2.0. Using this, businesses can organize their departments, employees, and such even further. Through the use of roles and departments, you can ensure data privacy and only give certain roles the reports that they need.
Overall, this increases the efficiency of a business and streamlines operations. To learn more about what else we are releasing in Update 5.2.0, you can read our release notes.