Access Control and Perimeter Security enhanced by personnel using deception detection

Access Control and Perimeter Security enhanced by personnel using deception detection

In most countries in the world the human factor is regarded as the weak link, however, the human factor must be regarded as their strongest asset. Within seconds, security personnel must be able to assess the situation, clarify their position and estimate the implications of any actions that can be taken. Suicide bombers and knife wheeling attackers have been taken down without collateral damage simply by security personnel as the threat was identified, decisions were taken in seconds and they reacted accordingly with successful results more so in Israel than any other country.

Considering the security professional and officer's mentality, who and what to focus on, thought pattern, method of training for instinctive reaction

Security success depends on the level of situational awareness of the decision makers on the ground and their reaction speed

Comprehending that security success depends on the level of situational awareness of the decision maker on the ground and their reaction speed is the Y factor.

The X factor and which is the greatest nightmare is not knowing what is truly going on the ground under your own nose.

What is situational awareness in this day and age and must be taken into consideration?

An example; People can communicate, activate an attack or control the situation right in front of security personnel without the security personnel knowing what is in theater, simply by using cultural gestures. If one is unaware of the threat or who else is in concert then there is no situational awareness of the threat or the size of the threat.

Let us consider historic data and current challenges.

Militants whereas there is more reward in death than in life - there is no negotiations in this case.

Former child soldiers where the value of life is negligible and so to it could be that one is unable to negotiate a situation or the lives of hostages could be easily taken

Operations, Mobilization and Training.

Issue: First contact personnel which could be front line security officers are not focused on the job, they are busy watching the birds fly or bees flying by.

Operations and Mobilization does not take place when the people on the ground are unaware and when an incident does occur - the speed of mobilization may be retarded by the perpetrators that are in action. There are well organized attackers as they could of done surveillance and planned well in advance to mitigate mobilization.


What mentality must security personnel have as many security managers have the same issue - '' they do not have passion for the job - how do I change that?''

Not paying attention to the people as they would rather look at a pretty person walking by instead or having a chat about the sport of the day.

Not knowing what to look for, what to ask, and how to think is what we asked when we considered the easiest solution

Know how to think

We must be in a constant state of evaluation *situational awareness*. Within seconds one has to detect deception.

Then we must gather more information with an interview - , if there is time by identifying if the person is lying or hiding something.

Finally consider perhaps sending up the suspect through the layer of security by using investigative interviewing.


How do we turn the security personnel minds on, get them excited about the job and what to look for in people? Step 1- getting their mentality into the job by using specific methods found in HIM

The secret is focused attention in such a way on people that it excites their minds because they know what they are seeing and they realize how powerful they are when they do interact with others. Step 2 - Applying methods to experience reactions that will invoke results

The easiest and most effective method to embed the knowledge so that instinctively security personnel react is trained in a simplistic and specific way.

  • What to see in quick deception detection
  • What to hear in investigative interviewing
  • How to think
  • Putting it all together

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