Access a broader Talent Pool to improve your Recruitment

Access a broader Talent Pool to improve your Recruitment

In today's ever-changing talent landscape, it's crucial to adopt innovative recruitment strategies. Despite rising layoffs and general unease about an impending global recession, employer demand for workers remains high, leading to worker hoarding. Additionally, voluntary resignations are at an all-time high, with one in five workers planning to leave their current job by the end of this year.

Recent data from Indeed Hiring Lab indicates that job postings have risen almost 50% from their pre-pandemic levels, while quit rates have increased by 16%. Furthermore, job seekers and consumers alike are drawn towards companies that actively support and create meaningful change.

Given these developments, traditional recruitment strategies are no longer adequate, and it's essential to embrace novel approaches. This is an ideal time to establish a future of better work for everyone by thinking outside the box when it comes to recruitment.

While some companies may struggle with the tight labour market, others will capitalise on this opportunity to adapt and thrive. Organisations that excel will broaden their talent pools by embracing untapped talent who have previously faced barriers to employment.

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Where do we start when we want to broaden our candidate pools and take advantage of recruiting a more diverse workforce? Here are a few steps that you can take.

Skills Based Recruitment

One effective solution to address the challenges of limited access to jobs for a significant proportion of the UK population is to promote skills-based recruitment. Despite the fact that almost 50% of people aged 16 and above in the UK do not possess a degree or higher qualification, many organisations still exclude candidates with the right skills and experience due to educational requirements.

A skills-based recruitment approach involves evaluating job candidates based on their competencies, abilities, and proven performance, rather than just their academic qualifications. This method creates opportunities for qualified workers who may have previously been overlooked by employers and expands the pool of trainable and motivated talent with transferable skills and diverse backgrounds.

For instance, an experienced barista with exceptional customer service skills and an entrepreneurial mindset could be an excellent candidate for a corporate sales role, despite not having a university degree. Unfortunately, many recruitment screening systems would exclude such a candidate. It's critical to ensure that capable workers aren't overlooked, especially when filling positions is challenging.

By adopting skills-based recruitment practices, we can attract a wider range of talent, including those who have the required skills and experience but may not have pursued higher education. This approach offers a promising solution to the UK's skills gap and can help organisations access qualified and motivated candidates.

Fair Chance Recruitment

Fair chance recruitment is a crucial approach based on the principle that every job seeker has the right to be considered for any job they're qualified for, irrespective of their background. Sadly, those who have been affected by the justice system are often denied equal opportunity.

Even minor misdemeanours or an arrest without a conviction can result in long-term barriers to employment, with over 650,000 people in England and Wales having a criminal record. Thousands of justice-impacted people suffer from long-term unemployment, with the unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated individuals being two-thirds higher than the general population, even compared to the Great Depression. Furthermore, mass incarceration disproportionately affects communities of colour, LGBTQ+ individuals and those with a history of mental illness.

However, data reveals that justice-impacted individuals are eager for employment, and many employers are missing out on talented individuals by not offering fair chance recruitment. Employers that adopt fair chance recruitment strategies benefit from reduced turnover, reliable performance, and positive impact. Workers with criminal records exhibit higher retention rates, are statistically no more likely to be fired for misconduct, and perform as well as, or even better than other workers, according to research by the Society of Human Resource Management. Additionally, providing employment opportunities can boost self-esteem and pride, reduce recidivism, and benefit individuals, organisations, and society.

It's not just about providing equal access to employment; it's about recognising the potential of this talent group. The good news is that job postings on Indeed featuring fair chance employment policies increased by over 30% between May 2019 and May 2022, indicating a growing trend towards fair chance recruitment. By embracing fair chance recruitment, employers can help break down the barriers faced by justice-impacted individuals, offer equal opportunities, and benefit from the talents and strengths of a diverse workforce."

Promote Inclusive Hiring, Create Accessible Workplaces

Inclusion is a key aspect of modern workplaces. According to recent studies, 17% of people in England and Wales have some form of disability, and they are more likely to be unemployed than others. Furthermore, the workplace has largely failed to tap into the highly skilled talent that people with disabilities possess.

With modern technological advancements, creating an accessible workplace has become more achievable than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that remote work is a viable option, which can be especially beneficial for people with disabilities. In addition, new technologies such as automatic transcripts, closed captioning on video conferencing platforms, and accessible web designs are making the workplace more accessible than ever before.

By promoting accessible hiring practices, we can create more inclusive workplaces that attract highly skilled talent and provide employees with disabilities the opportunity to thrive. This can be achieved by partnering with community groups, offering flexible work options, providing training, and creating accessible job descriptions.

Let’s embrace inclusive hiring practices and create a more diverse and accessible labour market, one job at a time.

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Alun Leach

Subscription Based Recruitment / Contract Business Development - 07368 801105

1 年

Great article Steve. Thanks for posting!


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