Acceptance in These Times

Acceptance in These Times

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We are walking a new path these days; somewhat or wholly uncharted it seems.

Yesterday, I wrote on what I referred to as Soulful Leadership. I not only invite you to have a read and reflect; I encourage it, before going forward.

Over the next 100+ days, I suggest that we are going to experience change. We already are experiencing same. Some of that change will be temporary. Some of that change will not.


With that in mind and heart, I am choosing to explore 103 or more virtues for our times. These virtues are strengths of character and each needed in myriad and diverse ways as we proceed individually and collectively through these days and beyond.

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I am a Master Facilitator for The Virtues Project, a global initiative around advancing character leadership and education at school, work, business and community. Throughout my 40 years in training and development as an internal and external corporate trainer for 30+ years and counting, as a student of What Color Is Your Parachute? for 38 as well, a current college business educator for 26 years, a former Dale Carnegie Coach and Trainer for 12 years, a Personality Dimensions Facilitator for now 16 years, a Ruhi Institute Tutor for 19 years, and associated with the aforementioned Virtues Project for 18 years... I can bring something to the table, I truly and humbly believe and contend.

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Also, this material around character and virtue is the most meaningful content I have been exposed to and worked with over these 40 years. It does not replace any other content but augments and grounds all other content. It runs deep and rich. It is my life work. I write on it... study, speak, teach, train, coach, sing, dance, cartoon, create and consult on it.

With this series, we will be limited in comparison to the work I do live or virtually around this material... but I will attempt to start some constructive fires with each post, relevant for these times, and going forward. For me, it is always about exploring what I call the Human Tech; virtue and character and the power and impact they bring.

DAY ONE: Acceptance

So, we begin... Day One... on Acceptance...

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Please read and reflect on the card. Receiving tests with humour and Grace... seeking truth in what we experience... accepting, fully accepting, that which we cannot change... trusting in whatever good we can find... accepting others for who and where they are... and trusting that we ourselves have value... this is Acceptance.

Of late, I have been daily posting my thoughts around our own local experience with COVID-19, based on my own personal observations of the daily press conferences. Yesterday, after our first death, I posted on Facebook...

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This may be my last post as observation. Folks, I am no expert on COVID-19. I do not profess to be. My observations have only been to perceive the numbers as they might relate to exponential spread. That being said, my heart aches for the passing of our first person. I feel great empathy. It is a sadness so profound. I will say this based on these last 9 days...

  • 148 presumptive cases.
  • 9 hospitalized.
  • 2 in ICU.
  • 1 death.

That last "stat" hurts. The others show evidence of the impact of isolation versus clustering...

  • 8 days ago... 6 to 9 is a 50% increase
  • 7 days ago... 9 to 24 is a 167% increase (funeral related primarily)
  • 6 days ago... 24 to 35 is a 45% increase
  • 5 days ago... 35 to 67 is a 91% increase
  • 4 days ago... 67 to 82 is a 22% increase
  • 3 days ago... 82 to 102 is a 24% increase
  • 2 days ago... 102 to 120 is an 18% increase
  • 1 day ago... 120 to 135 is a 13% increase
  • Today... 135 to 148 is a 9.6% increase.

You see the downward trend in growth rate. If our increase had been as large as 167% (from a week ago) that would have us at 360 cases today. We are at 148. Still, too many. And we have one person dying from COVID-19. Horrible news. That is not expertise speaking. This one human being is trying to see the middle road between panic and apathy... through the numbers. The numbers are showing that isolation works. Clustering doesn't. We are no longer seeing 46, 50, 91 or 167 percent increases. The last 5 days we have dropped to 22, 24, 18, 13 and now 9.6%. The distribution of this across ages says this virus does not recognize age differences. My personal point remains. Listen to what we are being told. This requires vigilance for a longer road. Stay home. No movement. Socialize via tech. Share music. Entertain and love one another from a far. On our own property. If we do have to get supplies, go small. Find stores less frequented. Fewer people, less contact. Buy less regularly... 2 weeks at a time. Stay home. But still, and amidst the horrible news of the passing of this gentleman, we also need to realize the numbers are showing that the majority of us are doing the "right things"... a less than 10% increase is the lowest since tracking. We can continue to send well wishes, empathy, thoughts and prayers (if into such) for those unwell ... and for those in ICU... and for the family experiencing such a sense of loss. The evidence in the numbers is showing that clustering has had HUGE impact... numbers don't lie. 111 people attributed to the funeral home, including this gentleman. 37 other cases, not related. These numbers say stop socializing. Stay home. Please. NOW, today March 30, we are at 148... 13 more. But that is less than a 10% increase... the lowest thus far. And the numbers have held stable outside of Eastern Region. Please STAY HOME. Do not panic. Take on your Responsibility. Vigilance remains vital. Stay. At. Home. At home. Stay. This one guy is no expert. Just a guy observing, and feeling. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Peace.

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It will not be my last post, as kind Souls have requested I continue. Still, they are but my own observations yet they help me, and apparently others. I am speaking to what I see. My #bestlittledogintheworld Panda sees things. She accepts, in the now. Dogs do that. I am learning. That post, and the ones over the preceding days, have been an exploration of Acceptance for me. Numbers do not lie, and they help me walk between (and avoid) the roads of both fear and apathy.

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Character matters, and Acceptance is a strength of character; a virtue.

The late, great Dale Carnegie suggested some 30 principles for addressing worry. Among them, he offered that we use the formula of Willis H. Carrier to face Trouble:

  1. Ask yourself what the worst possible outcome is if you can't solve your problem.
  2. Mentally prepare to accept the worst if necessary.
  3. Then calmly improve upon the worst possible outcome.

I have practiced this over the years. It works. Accepting the worst as possibility is not defeatism. Accepting the possibility frees us from countless hours, days, weeks, months and years of wondering "What if?". Once we accept the possibility, and get clear on that, our energies are now free to address and improve however we can. It is the Serenity Prayer in action. Once we accept that we have a Pandemic and that it is serious, we can start to address it. As more of us do, we do it better. My posts are about that. The numbers do not lie. Now, what can I do about them? I can heed the guidance; the reliable guidance. You can too. We all can. Carnegie even suggested that we get all the facts and, after weighing all the facts, come to a decision. He said, once a decision is reached, act without anxiety about the outcome. These are the suggestions of Shoghi Effendi in his guidance on prayer problem solving. Carnegie also suggested that we write out and answer the following questions when we are tempted to worry:

  1. What is the problem?
  2. What are the causes of the problem?
  3. What are the possible solutions?
  4. What is the best solution?
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All of this requires Acceptance. The working definition of a problem is the difference between where you are and where you want to be. You cannot identify either end of that difference until you practice Acceptance. As I started back on my own road to optimal health, I had to accept my starting point. It was my crossroads. It was my endgame decision.

Accepting where we are allows us to map where we must go. We are in such days, individually and collectively. In these days and times, what do you truly need to accept, in order to move forward? Reflect on where you are, factually. Get clear on both your challenges and opportunities. Get clear on your resources. In times of challenge, we must best use what we have.

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For me, I have my home, my Panda, my car. I have my close circle of friends with whom I can interact via tech. I have my food and space and yes, while I am housebound and limited... there is much here I have; and I will use it.

Accept your space. Join online resources. Join our own group #hUmaNITY. Look me up on Facebook, or Epic Engage on the ol' FBF... or on LinkedIn. Fear and apathy are counterproductive. The middle road is practicing Responsibility and that begins with Acceptance.


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What do you need to accept at this time; in your life? What do you need to mindfully be aware of, especially in terms of the resources and capacities at your access? Write down everything you have avail of... friends, family and other resources... talents and capacities... virtues. Also write down your challenges. Be aware of both, and accept that they exist, right now. We will explore next steps shortly. As I sign out for the day, amidst teaching online, I offer this infectious musical invite. A bit of a gift of music. I hope you will accept. :-)

Peace, passion and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage


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AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...

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