Accept your Role.
It is safe to assume that the greatest achievers in history did not think of themselves as being “great.” They knew that they had a call that needed to be answered. There was a mission, a reason for their presence on the planet. They did not always know the specifics of their purpose, but they did not allow their uncertainty to detour their inclination to follow the yearning of their soul. Many tried to deny their “unwelcome calling” and the daunting responsibilities that accompanied it. Those whose names are cemented in history as our greatest teachers surrendered to that which was theirs to do. They accepted their role and endured the dark journey of the soul that enabled them to step into their full power. It is the age-old plot of the hero’s journey. It is a journey that we all travel, a story that we all live in some capacity during the course of our lives.
You may not think of yourself as a hero or a heroine, but you are undoubtedly the protagonist in your own story. You also play an integral role in the story of others as well. Just like the reminder that we received from the story of George Baily in the classic film “It’s A Wonderful Life,” the world would not be the same for any of us if you were not here.
You are the author of the story that is your life. Reviewing your life in that regard, how would you describe your story to date? What are the key plot points? Is there anything that you find surprising in your summary? How would you like for the story to proceed? Are you living in a story in which you wish to live? If not, how will you re-write and shift the direction of the story going forward? You may not be able to dictate all of the circumstances, but you can certainly create the character that responds effectively to any of life’s challenges.
Success or sabotage? How do the stories that we live contribute to our overall success?
Is this going to be an incredible day? At the end of the day, what would you like to be saying about the day that has just passed? What will you do to bring those desires to fruition?