Accept the Change !
Rohit Sharma
Digital Commerce Team Lead at Lowe's | 8+ Years in Retail Industry | Expertise in Driving Digital Success and Leading High-Performing Teams
Changes now a days is very common in every organization. Accepting the changes has become one of the difficult task for the employees. I can remember from first job when I was put in one of the team for 2 weeks and I was comfortable to the fullest with my new team mates. Suddenly, after a week, I was asked to change the team and I was asked to move to the team, which was most critical process in the whole org. Me and my fellow friend was supposed to move to the new team, but at that time the most important thing was to have a job in your hand so I decided to move but my friend had little issue for the team change.
I meet my first manager and he made me comfortable that I have taken the right choice within the few weeks of time. It took me only 30 second to decide that, OK! I am ready to move to the new team. It was really difficult for me to understand the process for a few months because I had no prior experience any MNC. It took me 4 to 5 months to scale up my knowledge and to know what I am capable of.
After 5 months, I really took the job seriously and started to focus on my career goal. I really worked so hard that I got promoted in 12 months, which was fastest among others who got promoted by me. Unfortunately, my friend had left the job after 8 months.
Since I took the decision of "Accepting the Changes" I got the changes to excel myself to see at the next level and I had achieved it.