Accelerated Mobile Page
Accelerated Mobile Page. Or (AMP for short because there is no time for words when we are trying to be fast.) It is an open source coding project from Google and Twitter designed to speed up the process of loading time for mobile pages. Think of it as short hand for HTML.
The reason why AMP has become a big deal for marketers is
- Reduces Bounce Rate
- Helps with Mobile SEO
- Offers Web Analytics
- Helps with Google Page Rank
The most important one of those 4 four points above is reducing bounce rates. Why? Because that affects all the other points. People do not want to wait for a page to load. If a user cannot access the page, the rest doesn't matter. Here are some stats on why it matters
- According to Go Rocket Fuel, the Bounce Rate is 10 to 20% higher on a mobile device than a desk top
- According to Kiss Metric A Analytic Marketing Firm after 4 seconds the user is 25% more likely to leave the page
- 1 second Delay in page Response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. According to the Kiss Metric
- According to Marketing Prof 18% of mobile users will abandon a website if it doesn't load in less than 5 seconds
- 70% of searches on a mobile device are followed up with an action within 1 hour
These are some of the many reasons why it's important to embrace AMP because of how fast users are willing to leave your site if it doesn't load fast enough.
There are marketing companies whom sole purpose to is to increase conversions by optimizing their mobile website. Companies like Tune, WOMPmobile and Influence Mobile. What theses businesses have in common is that they help speed up the efficiency of your mobile, uses analytics to help with your businesses unique needs.
The work of these companies is important because of the directions of mobile marketing. A large number of people are ditching their desktop for the use of mobile when spending time on the internet.
- The use of mobile for people digital attention is 68% desktop is only 32%
- Many industries are adopting mobile sites. Some of the highest are Restaurant at 88% Travel at 85% and Media/Entertainment at 80%
- 4/5 Consumers use Smartphones to shop
- 30% of E-commerce sales will come from Smart phones in the US by 2018
- Media Brands devoted 51% of their digital advertising to mobile
- 59.5% of Google's net global ad revenues came from mobile internet ads in 2016
- 69% of emails are open from mobile devices
- 69% of shoppers are encouraged to make a purchase on mobile by emails from companies
- 37% of consumers are more likely to buy from a mobile optimized site
- 93% of people who use mobile to research go on to complete purchases (Not on their mobile necessarily either in stores or on desktop)
The quantitative data on how much the mobile has grown is impressive. It gives reason to spend serious time on optimizing a mobile page. I remember a few years my mother who is soon to be retired said "This may be the last laptop I buy. Why will I need one outside of work when I can do everything on my phone" At the time I thought this was crazy as a person who brought my laptop everywhere. However, sad to say only a few years ago with the purchase of my first tablet unless I used my laptop for school I only use my phone or tablet. Also when looking at how crazy fast some of these stats are its hard to believe they are real. Thinking about them and my own consumer behavior I am 1. Surprise at myself 2. Surprise how accurate these stats are. Because of all this, I see the end of the traditional desk tops as we know them. (I give exceptions for schools, and certain specialty industries) Tablets and phones will only increase in the dominance of searches and conversions. Soon the desk top will be like a home phone. You definitely know people who have a home phone, most business still do, but that number is getting smaller and smaller.