Accelerate Value through Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC) Program
We were having a conversation last week with someone who heads Agile Transformation at one of the top universities in the USA. Thankfully she was very clear about the problem they are facing - The organization is functionally siloed, missing collaboration within the various departments in the university to accelerate the value realization to their customers (students).
?The concern she expressed was around the fact that the university has fed up with their experience with consulting companies coming over with the silver bullet approach and trying to be agile purists which has aggravated the problem to become severe.
?Being someone who fully believes in the DA Mindset which consists of Principles (Philosophical Foundation for Enterprise Agility), Promises (which are agreements the fellow teammates make and respectfully follow while working together) and the Guidelines (which help you become more effective while taking the full control of deciding the best (Way of working) for your teams, we just spent time with her talking about the DA Mindset.
After 30 mins of conversation, she realised that the beauty of Agility is not in following specific Agile practices or frameworks or methods, but it is in understanding the context of each unique teams in the organisation and apply what works for them through the culture of experimentation while thinking holistically (Systems thinking).
?She was a lean enthusiast who believes in Systems thinking, Understand the beauty of organizing around the value but she admits that it was the first time she could realize that one size does not fit all and hence we cannot impose one framework or method on all the teams rather we should be pragmatic (and not purist) while giving teams the options to experiment while allowing them to chose their own way of working (without losing the big picture / full end to end flow)
She ended her conversation on a note saying – She wants to apply this at her place, but she need some more help to understand to find a good starting point. My subsequent conversations with her are around the Value Stream and how DA Value Stream Consultant allows us to tailor an improvement plan based on the unique needs of the client while ensuring that we fully pay attention to the culture of the university (Remember Culture is the context in which all change must happen).
?If you are someone who have a basis understanding of Disciplined Agile and its mindset and want to embrace agility truly by applying the Values and Principles of Agile, Lean, Theory of Constraints and flow then DA Value Stream Consultant workshop is for you!
?While organizations are maturing from the Technical Agility to the Business Agility by scaling on Strategic level, The role of Value Stream Consultant is becoming more important and relevant.
If you want to succeed as an DA Value Stream Consultant then join Agility Academy experts led 2 days online live?workshop here :?
Call +61451811164 or + 1 (509) 654-9905 or?+44 20 3287 8339?for any enquiries. Alternatively “Book FREE Agile Consultation Meeting”?here?to get answers to all your Agile Certification questions.