The Academy
David Griffith
Experienced Advisor, Board Chair, and Independent Director to Non-Profit and Family Business Enterprises. Author of The Muddy Boots Blog and avid fly fisherman.
I have the honor and privilege of being the Chairperson of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, the oldest Natural History Museum in the Americas. The Academy's mission is to be a Force for Nature.
We do so by staffing and teaching the Drexel's Bee's program.
We do so with a team of scientists and collection managers who do core worldwide research and maintain one of the significant collections in the field. The Patrick Center is where modern water quality research was born under Dr. Ruth Patrick. A scientific library that is second to none in the field. A community partnership with our region that is an actual museum without walls and brings science to children and young people who otherwise would not experience it. Finally a unique and historic exhibit space and award-winning programs that educate, inform, and bring a call to action.
It is all in our backyard on the Parkway. Visit, ask me for a behind-the-scenes tour, and see the Lewis and Clark collection, Thomas Jefferson dinosaur collection, birds, shells, insects, and more. Learn, Reflect, Act.
Experience the Academy and learn why you need to be a Force for Nature.
Join us and support the work we do for all of us.