Academic Writing & Studying Rituals
Why do we need academic writing?
People engage in academic writing for many reasons, among them:
What is academic writing?
Academic writing is type of writing that is needed in educational settings and or other institutions , it takes many formats, one can come across academic writing from as early as high school.
Types of academic writing:
Format of academic writing:
It can vary according to the requirements of each type of setting/institution or publication, but in general they share the following features:
Academic writing takes many forms among them:
Descriptive Writing:
Is the simplest of them an is used to describe things.
E.g: to summarize an article, report or an experiment.
Analytical Writing:
Analytical writing contains descriptive writing, but you also re-organise the facts and information you describe into categories, groups, parts, types or relationships.
Analytical assignment include: analyse, compare, contrast, relate, examine.
Persuasive Writing:
Is encompassed of all the elements of analytical writing (that is, information plus re-organising the information), plus including your own point of view.
Majority of essays are of this type, and it can found in the discussions, conclusion of a research article.
Critical Writing:
Is of persuasive nature with the addition of at least one other point of view.
While persuasive writing you state your own point of view, critical writing states hat you should to add at least two other point of views.
For example, you may explain a researcher's interpretation or argument and then evaluate the merits of the argument, or give your own alternative interpretation.
Studying Rituals:
Everyone has got their own style when it comes to how they study.
Experts had come up with their own systems to enable students to make best use of time allocated to studying and many had agreed on the following:
The reason is the key to anything is:
Balance, moderation and consistency.
Balance & moderation:
Prophet Mohamed PBUH stated
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Middle path between two extremes is best.
Being extreme in anything does indeed backfire on an individual, and you can see it in many stories, one in particular in regards to that eating from your own labour is more blessed:
1- A man stated that he will dedicate his whole life for worship and let his brother sponsor him and the prophet stated to him
“That brother of yours is more religious than you are” (The Book of Provision, Chapter 1).
In Islam too prophet Mohamed PBUH said
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The Prophet said, "Nobody has ever eaten a better meal than that which one has earned by working with one's own hands. The Prophet of Allah, David used to eat from the earnings of his manual labor."
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‘ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: Whenever the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was given the choice between two things, he would choose the easier of the two unless it was a sin.
In a long hadith for the prophet PBUH, Abu Juhaifah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:?
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"You owe a duty to your Rubb, you owe a duty to your body; you owe a duty to your family; so you should give to every one his due.??
Routine and systems saves us from ourselves, because shaytan runs in sons of Adam blood, and nafs loves comfort, and as father of psychology Freud had stated human beings are prone to minimize pain and increase pleasure. As sheikh Sa'eed Alkamaly states one of the main reasons that lead to 'Fall of Andalusia' is that Muslim rulers had extremely indulged themselves in the earthly sinful pleasures and had thrown behind their backs the moral, virtues and Islamic teachings of the holy Qu'ran and the Sunnaha of prophet Mohamed PBUH.
Establishing a system and routine helps you execute your existing plans whatever those plans might be ‘Study plan’.
Every human being that had left behind an admirable and remarkable legacy be it Islamic scholars, inventors, scientists, writers and all other outstanding human beings they built routines and systems to accomplish that.
One famous Islamic scholar ??? ????? stated that his lunch was to start the remembrance of Allah right after Fajr prayer till before Duhr prayer then he would go to perform his daily duties after he had fuelled himself?to meet the challenges of the day and had he not done that he would never been able to perform whatever he planned to execute for his day.
Simply put per internet definition of the word routine
?‘Sequence of actions regularly followed.’
One famous Islamic scholar ??? ????? stated that his lunch was to start the remembrance of Allah right after Fajr prayer till before Duhr prayer then he would go to perform his daily duties after he had fuelled himself?to meet the challenges of the day and had he not done that he would never been able to perform whatever he planned to execute for his day.
Immanuel Kant the German philosopher and thinker who had made influential contributions had managed all this by building his own system and routine to establish all that.
Below is a video of Immanuel Kant daily routine and his philosophy
Finally the most important key to any major accomplishment is
The people of Japan had invented a system known as ‘KAIZEN’, which means small daily improvements' that leads to phenomenal results.
Something that prophet Mohamed PBUH had mentioned centuries ago in his hadith
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‘A'isha is reported to have said that the Messenger of Allah (?) was asked about the act most pleasing to Allah. He replied: “That which is done continuously, even if it is small.” Sahih Muslim 782 b
Gormandy White, M., n.d. Definition of Academic Writing With Examples. [online] Available at: <>