Academic Collaboration
Hexitime - The skill sharing timebank - improving connection and collaboration across health and social care

Academic Collaboration

In August, we announced that Hexitime would be scaling its time banking impact to improve health and care services. Hexitime have been working with the University of Warwick over the last few months to launch an innovative collaboration hub between academia and industry.

We are very pleased to announce that the My Innovation Collective platform is now live! This is an exciting new development showcasing the partnership between University of Warwick and Hexitime and also showcasing how the Hexitime approach to time banking, collaboration, and skill exchange can be applied to sectors beyond healthcare.

My Innovation Collective connects ambitious founders, investors, business owners and academics to develop new technologies, create new companies, solve societal and health challenges and create high-value jobs needed in the next decade.

It connects those that have skills and experience to register as mentors and pledge hours in support of new local start-ups or existing businesses ambitious to grow. ?

If you are a member or alumni of a university that could benefit from a Hexitime collaboration platform to keep you connected, please get in touch.

Hexitime Website update

Exciting portal updates

As our software team continuously update and improve the Hexitime portal, there are a number of exiting upcoming updates that will that will have a positive effect on your experience when using the portal.

Highlights of some of these updates include:

  1. Increase in loading speed - Increasing the loading speed of pages has been a priority for our software team to enhance the user experience.
  2. Automated expiry date for activities - To prevent activities from being listed indefinitely on the platform, this update will remove the risk of these activities becoming outdated and invalid.
  3. Improved searches - You will no longer have to guess which tags to use for searches. Auto-tagging will give members suggestions when challenges, requests and offers are created.

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Absolutely brilliant !




