Academia NDT International is off to Gothenburg for the ECNDT 2018 !
Serge Dos Santos, Ph.D
Ass. Professor, Hab. Dir. Rech. | INSA Centre Val de Loire | Inserm iBraiN | IEEE UFFC-EMBS | Vice-President Academia NDT Int.
We are pleased to inform you that 20 Members of Academia NDT International will be attending the upcoming 12th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, ECNDT 2018, in Gothenburg, Sweden, June 11-15, 2018. Academia NDT International will contribute to the organization of the 2nd European Research Day (ERD), on June 13th 2018. After the 1st ERD held during the Prague ECNDT2014 where distinguished lectures were given by Nobel Prize Prof. Peter Higgs and Prof. Leon Chua, from University of California, Berkeley, the 10th anniversary of Academia NDT International will be celebrated with several lectures including Prof. Joachim Frank, Nobel Prize 2017 in Chemistry.
Please visit ECNDT2018 web site and the ERD program here :
Academia NDT International Council are : Giuseppe Nardoni, I & T NARDONI INSTITUTE S.R.L., President; Vjera Krstelj, 1st Vice-President; Shant Kenderian, 2nd Vice-President, The Aerospace Corporation; Peter Trampus, President of EFNDT; Rainer Link; Uwe Dr. Ewert, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung; David Gilbert, BINDT; Mykhailo Kazakevych, NASU; Zdenek Prevorovsky, ITASCR; Serge Dos Santos, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Centre Val de Loire, Ibrain Inserm;