ACAD 50: A Quantum Leap
Source: Source: NY TImes - IBM Quantum Computing (

ACAD 50: A Quantum Leap

When was the last time you walked into the garden and marveled at how all living things in nature continue to evolve while maintaining the basic state? What we perceive as concrete and absolute is relative and context-dependent. This continuous evolution represents fundamental capability exhibited by the tiniest entities such as electrons and photons, allowing them to exist in multiple states at the same time.

In nature, Electrons and Photons can exhibit wave and particle-like behaviors simultaneously. This duality explains phenomena like electron diffraction and the stability of atoms, as electrons occupy discrete energy levels rather than spiraling into the nucleus.

This was first demonstrated in Schrodinger's cat experiment in Physics. A cat is enclosed in a box and one has to determine whether the cat was dead or alive. In the eyes of the beholder with limited information, the cat simultaneously occupies both states, until one opens the lid.

The entire human race is pondering over how machines can mimic human intelligence, with this goal being the north star for AI domain researchers. But what if the next generation of technology could mimic not only humans but also the entire universe?

If this sounds vague and intriguing, you’re in the right place. Let's dive in.

How is this duality connected to Quantum Computing?

Summit Supercomputer. Source: CNN

Classical computers (even supercomputers) rely on classical bits stored in transistors. Each bit can be either 0 OR 1 at any given moment. More the bits, More the compute.

Summit supercomputer from IBM is one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, boasting over 9,000 POWER9 CPUs and more than 27,000 NVIDIA Volta GPUs, resulting in 200 petaflops/quadrillion floating-point operations per second (1 quadrillion = 1000 trillion).

Moore's law suggests that the compute doubles every 2 years, leading to compounded scaling of compute over time. Despite this immense scaling, you can only add so many transitors to capture the the two discrete states of a bit. Doubling the number of transistors doubles the computational power, but that doesn't provide the exponential speed-up needed for extremely complex real-world problems.

How is quantum computing different?

Quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states (0 and 1) simultaneously. Just as Erwin Schr?dinger postulated that a cat could be in a quantum state i.e. dead and alive at the same time, a Qubit can be both 1 and 0 simultaneously. When entangled with each other, qubits can share the states simultaneously irrespective of the distance between them, creating a massive increase in computational potential. This "duality" refers to the superimposition principle exhibited by electrons and photons in nature.

Applications in Nature and Business


From photosynthesis to DNA mutations, quantum theory explains how this massive scaling manifests for complex problem scenarios around us.

  • Photosynthesis: In plants, the process of photosynthesis involves quantum coherence. Light-harvesting complexes in plants transfer energy through quantum states, increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis.

  • Enzyme Catalysis: Enzymes, which speed up biochemical reactions, often rely on quantum tunneling to move particles like protons and electrons, facilitating reactions at speeds necessary for life.
  • DNA Mutations: Quantum mechanics plays a role in genetic mutations. Proton tunneling in DNA can lead to spontaneous mutations, influencing genetic variation.


1. Cryptography

  • Quantum computers can break widely-used encryption methods such as RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) by efficiently factoring large numbers and solving discrete logarithms. For instance, Shor's algorithm can factorize a 2048-bit RSA key in hours on quantum computers, whereas classical computers would take millions of years. As you can imagine, this poses a significant threat to current encryption standards for governments and businesses across the globe, prompting rapid investment in the development of quantum-resistant cryptographic methods.

2. Drug Discovery

Quantum computers can simulate molecular and chemical reactions at an unprecedented scale and accuracy, speeding up drug discovery. These computers can model complex molecular interactions, helping scientists understand biological processes and design effective drugs. Quantum computing can reduce the time and cost associated with drug development, leading to faster and more efficient production of life-saving medications. Quantum computing can lead to the discovery of new drugs and treatments for diseases like Alzheimer's, cancer, and HIV.

3. Optimization

Quantum computers can solve complex optimization problems more efficiently than classical computers in various fields such as logistics, finance, and beyond. In logistics, quantum computers can optimize supply chain management by finding the most efficient routes for delivery trucks, reducing costs, and improving delivery times. In finance, quantum algorithms can optimize investment portfolios by analyzing large datasets and making better predictions about market trends.

What keeps us from cutting over to the quantum world sooner?

Quantum computing needs a perfect environment to thrive and drive the expected outcomes. The most important capability is quantum coherence, i.e., qubits' ability to maintain their quantum state over time and share their state with other qubits through entanglement, effectively defying classical spatial limitations. Temperature fluctuations, Environmental noise, and Physical disturbances can cause qubits to lose coherence, leading to errors in computations.

1. Temperature fluctuations

Quantum computers operate well at temperatures close to absolute zero (approximately -273.15°C or -459.67°F). At these low temperatures, thermal noise is minimized, which is crucial for maintaining the coherence of qubits. Thermal energy can cause qubits to lose their quantum state, leading to errors.

2. Environmental noise

Quantum computers must be shielded from external electromagnetic interference. Even minor fluctuations can cause decoherence, leading to the loss of quantum information.

3. Physical disturbances

The qubits, especially those using trapped ions or atoms, need to be contained in ultra-high vacuum environments. Quantum computers are usually isolated from vibrations using advanced damping systems.

Quantum mechanics is fundamental to understanding the structure and behavior of all matter. The dual nature of light reveals that reality is far more complex and nuanced than our everyday experiences suggest. It challenges the notion of an objective, observer-independent reality and introduces a world where observation, probability, and complementarity play crucial roles.

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