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Abuzar Ali Rizvi

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  1. everyone you meet has something to teach you, always be on the look to seek genuine advice. others will say and try to give advice but do not always follow through with it. no matter what or who it is, question it and ask yourself if it is righteous enough for your true self. remember, not everything that is glittering is gold.
  2. learn from everyone but never follow. filter in the good, filter out the bad. uniqueness is an important aspect of growth and development. create yourself and learn through your experiences, through your mistakes, and your deeds.
  3. it has never been about the end goal, it is all about the process. the process is hard but is worth it. the amount of grind throughout the process is gratifying. if you fall in love with the process, the process will love you back with progression.
  4. when proactively seeking more and more knowledge while pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, understanding of your craft will grow massively over a course of time.
  5. positivity allows people to act and solve problems as they appear even if there is a small chance of success, rather than accepting failure. throughout a lifetime, higher rates of success are given to those who are positive in reaction to their surroundings.
  6. think of negativity like a weed in a garden, if it is not removed it will spread all over the garden and destroy the garden. in the same sense, if negativity is not removed from yourself it will spread over to others and destroy any potential blessings coming your way.
  7. we as humans are innately good till society corrupts us all, taking that innate goodness we are born with away. when you stay away from society and the norms, watch yourself reborn.
  8. it is easy copying someone else but realize that there is not much growth in doing so. while doing something off your manifestations and creations, with the right amount of energy and patience, growth would be on another level.
  9. people who are God-conscious from the tongue, ears, and eyes. God protects them from whatever does not come to mind. whatever the mind does not understand, God will compensate for them. God will open the way for them to pass through problems when stuck at a dead-end.
  10. if you do not have charity in your life, you are not human.
  11. people whom you surround yourself with are the greatest influences in your life. sooner or later, you will realize and become just like them. the most important thing in life is to make sure you are around greatness, people who are continuously wanting you to be the best version of yourself.
  12. use the key that opens the door, not the key that makes you feel comfortable.
  13. we must learn to battle the urges on looking at others more superior to us because the world is not meant to have carbon copies of the same person. we live in a very interesting time where we are expected to impress society by reaching an ideal standard, but what we hate to believe is that we are already born as the best version of ourselves, criticizing ourselves was taught by society.
  14. when you started on the journey, you entered this huge ocean. you learn how to surf and went on a little wave then a bigger... but its all in the same ocean.
  15. to grow you must suffer, when you suffer you learn, and when you learn you create.
  16. “consistency” is very key in life. search that word up, create an understanding and implement this into your life and see where it takes you. it is what separates men from boys, women from girls.
  17. love people for who they are not for whom you want them to be. that is how you get the best of them.
  18. if you know the person you used to be was abominable, you must murder that person to become the person you are meant to be.
  19. you can not redo your past, you have to move on like it never existed and be at your very best right now, forget the past, it never happened, do not wait for the “future”, that does not exist. you want to think about what is 100 percent true, past and especially future are not 100 percent.
  20. if the why is big enough, the how will take care of itself for any big decision in life.
  21. do what is right, not easy, do not aim your radar towards happiness and fun, sometimes for great things, it is going to be boring. only you know what is right for yourself, no one else.
  22. never hold grudges with other people, it will never hold you sane. holding a grudge against anyone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die too.
  23. forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness but for your peace you deserve.
  24. everything has beauty in it but not everyone sees it. if you see the beauty in disaster, you are already ahead of the game.
  25. if the purpose is not right or set in stone, then the action working towards it is meaningless. an action’s value is determined by its intention or purpose.
  26. if someone is bringing toxicity and negativity into your environment, no matter how hard it may be, cut them off, you will elevate to further extents, the after-effects are truly a blessing.
  27. (A) “FAIL” means first attempt in learning (even when one fails many times, end of the day they learn every time like it is their first time because now they have new resources to work with).

27. (B) “END” means effort never dies.

27. (C) when someone says “NO”, it means next opportunity.

27. (D) “L” means learning, “W” stands for winning.

28. instead of looking at other things and trying to aspire to be something else, just be comfortable in who you are and just try to be your best selves. you must keep in mind is that it is natural to be critical of yourself, but you have to know that the ideal does not exist.

29. only follow what your heart and mind say and when something disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up.

30. we have a beautiful gift called the imagination to create from. our mind allows us to see beyond, do not cut yourself short and limit this ability. what you think is what you receive.

31. be very careful with whom you open up to. only a few people care, the rest are just curious or bored.

32. never open a closed chapter, not even for revision! in life closing chapters means opening a new one and never going back to the previous ones. accept what is entailed to stay broken will always stay broken and a beautiful chapter will always open next.

33. life is all about moving forward no matter where it takes you. everyone fails, everyone experiences problems. it is okay to fail, do not get attached to that failure. it happened for a reason, learn from it and let go of it.

34. the pain will come, the pain will heal, only if chosen to grow.

35. change will never happen until something you do daily does. re-evaluate yourself and look at what you do daily. the secret of happiness and success are found in what your daily habits are like.

36. places where money does not help, prayers do.

37. time is free but is priceless, time is the only thing. time will not make you forget, time will make you grow and understand. time waits for nobody, once you have lost time, you can never get it back, use time wisely and effectively.

38. do not do life for someone else, do it for yourself, those “someone else” will not always be around.

39. never wait for things to get better. life will always be complicated. learn to be happy right now, otherwise, you will run out of time.

40. everything you want is just an energy shift away. shifting your mind from lack and limitations to absolute possibilities. there is no reason why you can not have what you want out of life. with enough faith, anything is possible for you. when you give in the energy, things happen.

41. most people settle because they forgot their real power. they settle out of fear that "this is it for me", they assume life has nothing else to offer them. being a victim of circumstances is giving up. know what you want, visualize it, feel good about yourself, get what you want.

42. being mature is realizing that missing targets is just a part of being human and that you do not need to make up for it, you just keep moving on.

43. what is in front of you is not real. it already happened. do not become too identified with it. you already created it. however, what you want to experience next is waiting for you to decide.

44. you must declare it now and never look back. do not think "one day", do it now. this is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself.

45. never speak out “progress”, it never comes to pass. the problem is you do not know what they are thinking, they might be hoping you do not become successful or hoping you do not become or do better than them. only share if they are investing in your journey via money or knowledge/skills.

46. nothing in this world is set in stone, the world is constantly flowing and changing. meaning it is always ready to align with your visions. what you send out, will always return. the moment you grasp this, life changes.

47. comparing yourself to others leads to envy and insecurity. while comparing yourself to yourself, it only leads to the path of growth.

48. forgiveness is key in healing, forgive others, not to excuse for what they have done but because you need to for yourself. free yourself from what has been trapping you and holding you down. once you forgive, your heart and mind will be free.

49. consistency mixed in with a little passion and risk-taking leads to success, it is as simple as that.

50. never go into things without thinking it through. without an established mindset, you will not know what holes your putting yourself into. the mentality where you are more aware of your surroundings and understand that there is more to life than just right now.


