Abuse of the Weak: Sexually and otherwise -a growing trend and why?
Management and People: Too Many of the Powerful Think They Can Get Away with Anything and Behave Like Feudal Lords?
Also below, my interviews about arrogance among some of the elities and the Old Boys.
These are not not the Middle Ages. This is the age of mobile phones and massive electronic connectivity around the world. We are several decades beyond the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the vast majority of countries. The excuse of feudalistic behaviour where women, farmers and workers can be treated like chattel and cattle and ethnic and religious groups demeaned and discriminated against should be at a sunset. Yet even look at this article where a supposed avant-garde organization is accused of treating many of its employees like farm animals. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/undercover-amazon-exhausted-humans-inefficient-11593145
Indeed, what do we have even in so-called advanced countries like the United States; day after day of exposures of senators, top Hollywood movie moguls to the very top TV show hosts shown to have made totally unacceptable sexual advances on those with no interest in receiving them. And speaking of exposure, exposing their nude bodies on to those with no desire to see them and in very awkward, and often unacceptable situations.
While the focus on US TV news is all about gross insensitivity and abuse, largely towards women even sometimes sexual assaults, I would also put it into a wider thesis. That too many of the powerful think they can extort, squeeze and abuse those much less powerful. "We're up here and you're down there so suck on it " is their attitude. Just look at the case of Roger Ailes, once head of a huge media empire, a man who could at one time, just about destroy or make many thousands of careers.
However, there may be a noticeable shift as reflected against the deceitful and abusively powerful, and sometimes messily so, as in the forms of populism that can have their own raw edges. But there is little argument that there seems to be a new emerging climate against sexual abuse and even some dramatic moves against corruption in places like China to Saudi Arabia. We shall see how far it develops.
This abuse of power against the weak, also in my opinion evolves partly from a great narcissism towards money by the higher ups and the growing gap between the rich and poor, including less skilled workers and those growing numbers on the economic edges. Surrounded by more people desperate to keep well paying jobs in tight labor markets that provide not so many top well-paying positions, those on the top think they are sometimes near gods, titans or whatever they think makes them so superior to their subordinates.
There are now many more billionaires, than ever imagined with their massive monopoly or oligopolistic powers in media, Hollywood, and banking, all with power to take a hammer and crush many. It almost seems, to those walked over by some of them, that no one can criticize these powerful 'cloud breakers' given how high up they are. Or at least, their critics do not last that long in any effective way. Even Occupy Wall Street was crushed after their total exposure of the greed of the banks, including the massive bonuses paid to the "old boys club".
The powers that be, have seemed too often immune to constructive criticism, even those more carefully and anonymously set out in fictional characters in plays or novels. They seem immune to sanctions for almost anything they do wrong in the office. People are truly fed up with this modern day feudalism.
Some of these 'almighty' think they have such a privilege in the constellation of power that they will be defended by their peers. Just look at Robert Mugabe, ex-president of Zimbabwe who for decades received few negative words from his fellow senior African leaders, mostly males, about his extensive abuses. Certain Russian oligarchs, not well known for instilling progressive attitudes towards women, are still getting away with bloody 'murder' against those who stand up to them. My second book soon to be published, very much deals with such themes of abuse. And look at the US Congressional 'slush fund' used to defend sexual abusers on Capitol Hill. It is not a Putin or Trump problem, purely so. It is, though a universal disgrace to my "good" friend John Humphrey, co-drafter of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all those who seriously worked on it and passed it.
If we cannot recognize our common humanity, given the religions we practice that advertise it so strongly, or by the humanistic values of the UN, post World War II era, then what hope. That common humanity extends to how men should see and treat women and vice versa, between races, and may I be bold to say, between religious sects and denominations, be it Protestants being open to Catholics or Sunnis towards Shites. I am not impressed with much of the Middle East leadership shaping Shiites' negative overall attitudes towards Sunnis and vice versa and the West should not play to widening the divide.
After all, religious type wars of seventeenth century Europe really should not be played out in the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter. Tribalism should not be a cover for fascism or extreme socialism. Mild nationalism called patriotism can stand, though. There is nothing bad about being proud of your group within reason.
However, should pluralistic societies,understand the grotesque stupidity of Christian wars and crusades a thousand years ago, and support religious tensions elsewhere in the world for purely advantages of greed and increased commerce and geopolitical advantage. The answer should be a resounding no.
And really, can we believe that there are still so many antisemites after what happened in Germany in the the 1930s and 1940s? What is humanity's and future generations' learning curves after such atrocities? I worry that too many of the powerful in charge of education and leading the shaping of cultural values, just could not care less if the people below them are fighting it out in tribalism. That is as long as it does not get to too wide portions and affects their going about business. It keeps the down trodden busy attacking each other than them, or their greed and abuses..
Besides, the truly rich live more and more in tax havens or with wealth well protected away offshore. If England were to go down, they would be in Luxembourg before it happened or Monaco, for example. In fact, it is my contention that so many of the rich and powerful are so increasingly removed and careless about the plight of the down trodden that it is one significant reason populism, including some nasty nationalist forms of it are rising. They just move on, if they destroy their country be it Lebanon, Syria or maybe England, too some day.
In short, as I explained in the English interview in Germany, by the Bilderberg conference, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PX1xPI6tcSc too many within our current elites just are not aware or sensitive enough of the plight of the marginalized, nor doing sensibly enough to truly support real solutions to their countries' social problems.That is another abuse, I would say that could be argued is as horrible as accusations of sexual abuse. Eighty percent of the world's wealth in the hands of the much fewer is economic harassment to the majority though certainly this does not mean all of the wealthy are abusive of the weak. As I argue here, the two can overlap, the sense of power and wealth entitlement and abusing women who tend to have much less power.
The increasinging marginalizing of more and more people in the world, particularly in recent decades, also leading to mass flows of refugees has to be considered one of the greatest demonstrations of abusive behavior by some of the richer and politically powerful. It has made it much easier for the preying on the weak. And despot Marxists are not exempted like Robert Mugabe over certain Wall Street titans. Stalin, a Marxist was one of the 'champions' of human rights abuse of all time. This is not strictly a problem for capitalism and capitalists.
Franz Fanon, many decades ago wrote about "The Wretched of the Earth" in speaking about the horrible effects of colonialism and slavery. But the wretched today are increasingly more outside the context of colonialism or post-war, US imperialism. It is more a global elite of all colors, religions etc from poor to rich countries that can move with ease, from Beijing to Panama to Moscow to Monaco to Washington and all the way back again, getting all their brands and privileges wherever they go by the help of the private banking of the HSBCs, who have shown a willingness to launder criminal money. They come in different ideological beliefs, pretend or not. All while much of the rest of the world lives in squalor, fear of the pink slips every day or having their homes repossessed, if not burned down, or having not enough money to tweek out a base existence.
I am therefore calling for a universal guaranteed income as Mark Zuckerberg is, based on the donations of the top 10 percent putting their money into foundations at the level that Bill and Melinda Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have done. This set of foundations with help of smart electronic banking and using crypto-currencies like bitcoin, if necessary. Every adult would be assured of having a functioning mobile phone or other efficient alternatives for receiving their money and making it easier for saving and paying electronically worldwide, be it if one were in Timbuktu to Ulan Bator, for example.
Even some of the massive funds from the corrupt could be evermore seized where merited and through the rule of law and placed in such charitable foundations. The current Saudi crown prince may have picked up quite well on what I am speaking of in his roundup of the staggering more corrupt rich individuals in his society? The Vatican would be certainly supportive of such an idea, I would presume.
This should be then followed by a foundation called the Bankers Fund for Social Development I have been promoting for years, endorsed by the wife of a former Commonwealth Caribbean prime minister, albeit in private discussions. The banks, particularly Swiss ones have made huge profits, off the wretched and it is now time for them to be truly accountable in helping out to the level of the Gates. The Swiss Bankers Association plea to me that they cannot be held responsible for all the ills of the world is just not good enough. It is plain disgraceful.
Given the level of technology and electronic connectivity, rising levels of robotics, and artificicial intelligence and our ability to send someone to Mars in the next few decades, there is no reason for the level of poverty, environmental degradation and pure financial feudalism, that too many banks are at the core of being enablers of.
We should be too crafty as a species at this time of the technological revolution, not to bring forward a new human peaceful 'revolution'. The horrible alternative in its place could be a new global feudalism as I chronicle through my allegorical and dystopian novel, called "The Bettembourg Supremacy". This, my third book on such themes, is sitting on the desk of the publisher.
We will need this new ‘human revolution' in mindset which will make it much less important as to whom is part of a superpower country and who is a worker, who is a top manager, who is a farmer and even who is a banker. And a revolution in thinking that rises above the excesses of identity politics. If not, I fear in a nuclear bomb age of growing cleavages, a future that will make the Aushwitzes look like smaller horrible tragedies. More on that later.