Abuse on Animals/ Sentences

Abuse on Animals/ Sentences

Presently, we can state that there is a serious lack of commitment by the authorities to eradicate mistreatment of animals. Someone better explain the timidity in the application of the law. Clanimal submits that a firm and sincere commitment, by the authorities, to enforce the law, actually issue fines and imprisonment, to show mistreatment of animals is unacceptable!

Law 54 (ie: LOI VISANT L’AMéLIORATION DE LA SITUATION JURIDIQUE DE L’ANIMAL or the law improving the judicial status of animals) appears like a "mirage" when we really look at the true intention of the authorities (since the law is exactly that intention and not a commitment). It is imperative to double the penalties for certain infractions (without interfering with the Federal jurisdiction, otherwise, its time Quebec starts acting like we live in the same country as the rest of Canadians!). Also, fines could be quadrupled!

In addition, the law requires "reinforcement" by stating jail terms are firm, meaning to be fully served (no release before the full time is served). One of the problems of the law is, while it appears to be "aggressive" in punishing offenders with hefty fines, the deterrent objective will not make a dent in the abuser's and operator's wallet, since they will not stop as long as they have a "kick" or making money, doing it!

It's like if the authorities are saying to the offenders: "Pay here and now, and, resume your activities and if we catch you again, just come back again at the cash!" It is time for the authorities to show they are committed and sincere to respect animals!

Also, why not imposing stiffer penalties such as community services in shelters, so at least the people serving as "patsies" to the owners/operators of puppy mills, as well as certain types of abusers.

It would be good to use the services of specialists in the field, to determine what types of work in shelters would serve to bring them to the level to understand, the effects their conduct had on animals and how the animals dealt with the consequences to heal.

We would like to submit, some examples of modifications that could be brought to law 54, to give an idea of what we mean by the suggestions we are making:

Sec. 9 (dog fights): modify Section 69 that, following a gradation of fines levels, allow the judge hearing the case, and only after the 3rd contravention, to "maybe" impose a jail sentence of 6 months. We submit that the threshold for a jail term could be established for a 1rst time offence, because, how is the determination to end such a barbaric practice, can be taken seriously if the punishment doesn't equal the level of outrage society has about the crime committed!

Sec. 16 (level to be considered a puppy mill): bring the threshold from the actual level (15) to 2-3 reproducing animals , to send a clear message that financial gains will never be more important than the respect for nature's and the animals!

Sec. 21 (sales of animals in pet shops): modify to ban selling animals coming from puppy mills (see our editorial on the matter) and tie-up the contravention to that Section, to higher fines and immediate seizure of all assets of the legal entity responsible for the sale of the animals.

Sec 40 ( intervention in case of emergencies): modify by "any person" can intervene, instead of only "the inspector". This would protect anybody acting to save an animal in distress (ex: animals left in a car under critical heat) while allowing civil recourse against the "good Samaritan", if warranted.

Sec 44 (guardianship of seized animals): modify by ordering the withdrawal of the animal seized from the offender, instead of making the choice to the inspector to leave or not, the animal to the care of the offender.

Now, I invite you to fill out the Quiz “The Dog’s Choice“ on https://clanimal.com/questionnaire/ and share it to help as much the dogs than their future guardian!

Until next time, please send me your comments à "[email protected]" or on any of our social media venues (FB, LinkedIn (bernard t raymond, entrepreneur) and on Twitter @weareclanimal

Benard Raymond, Founder & Chief Passionate Officer, Clanimal.com ([email protected])


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