Abundance- Is It Time To Take The Blinders off?
It seems in my own personal life journey as well as working as a Neuroperformance Coach with many clients over the years that we are all subject to influence. We’re influenced by what we’ve been taught, what we model from those around us in the form of behaviors, and what we make experiences of others and ourselves mean. Now as a parent or leader, we influence our children and those we lead by what we say and how we behave. Are we an example of Abundance to those we influence?
Mark Victor Hansen in discussing the subject of Abundance says…..
“We often think Abundance is just money and money is a wonderful thing. The real goal is to have the full plume of your human imagination in 360 degrees; to be family rich, socially rich, spiritually rich, and emotionally rich.
I call it going to the secret place of the most high, where you lock out doubt and fear, and you lock in with love, faith, hope, and abundance. When you're dealing with abundance, because that's everybody's availability, abundance is available to everybody.
Now, most of us have been taught to think poor, so we talk poor, we act poor, we feel poor, and our results have got to be poor. I teach 180 degrees. The law of polarity says you're either thinking rich or, thinking poor.
I'm here to attack lack, and say look, fundamental abundance is not only the truth of me, but it's the truth the universe. It's the truth available to everyone once they take off their blinders.”
What’s true for you about living an abundant life? Does your present thinking support that truth? #coaching #yppcoacheswiththebraininmind #mindarchitect #neuroperformancecoach