Abundance, Expansion, and your Souls Divine Purpose
Greg Gillies
Entrepreneur, Investor, Mentor & Coach - "Helping others Succeed" - founder of The Evolved CEO, The Evolved Healer & Perform Media
If you want Abundance, Expansion, and access to your Souls Divine Purpose, then you’ll want to read this …
For the first 40 years of my life, I only focused on Goals …
When I truly understood and worked on my Energy and Soul Vibration rate, my purpose, life, business, marriage, and health, everything expanded exponentially…
Don’t get me wrong, Goals are important they’ve served many people well, but when you understand what I’m about to share, you’ll learn they are overrated, they have a ceiling, a very low ceiling, and for many people, they create limits on the level of abundance that is truly possible in all areas of life.
So, let’s get into it …
We are taught from a very young age that to be successful in life, even have abundance, we must have goals, and these goals should be S.M.A.R.T goals … meaning:
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time-bound
Now this is true; we do need to use Goals, they are both essential and powerful for achieving specific, measurable success within a time frame ... But they are only a small % of what it takes to achieve real abundance across your life ...?
So why are Goals overrated, and why are they only a small % in achieving abundance?
Because people's Goals are 99.99% focused on the physical world and are predominantly to obtain something in the Physical world, whether it's a financial goal, a material goal, a health goal, or a relationship goal.
And your Goals will be directly attached to the identity you formed from the day you were born till right now …
This is why Goals alone become a trap of imbalance that many driven people get stuck in, this roller coaster of achievement, the highs, and lows, doubts and fears… constantly striving, hustling, grinding, moving the goalposts and never actually achieving the level of true abundance in all areas of your life
Ultimately Goals are created in the Mind and become an obsession of the Mind … and although they can serve us to create great things in the Physical world … Peoples obsession with goals, wants and desires in the Mind becomes their physical identity of whether they deem themselves good enough or worthy …
This overactivation of the Mind, thoughts, goals, obsessions, and desires then creates a level of neurological and physiological stress that creates more and more disconnection from their Soul’s divine purpose.
These high levels of disconnection are why so many people, even rich, successful, and famous people are so confused, stuck, unhappy, unfulfilled, and feel like something is missing.
So, what is the key to creating the level of Abundance in life we all seek?
The key to true Abundance, Expansion, and raising your Souls Vibration Rate is energetic!
We were NOT taught this growing up, it's not part of the education system, and it’s only been in recent years that the research between Science, Energy, and our Spiritual aspects (Quantum selves) has become mainstream, measured, and evident.
What is Energetic Vibration and Your Soul Vibration Rate?
If you are well-researched in these areas, you'll understand that everything in its purest form is Energy, including every cell, DNA strand, thought, belief, feeling, and action we make, has an energetic vibrational frequency…
Now you also need to understand that we are multi-dimensional beings meaning we are connected to energetic frequencies on all dimensions, from Earth energy to Physical energy, to thought energy, Spiritual energy, Soul energy, even multi-Universe and God energy…
So, we are a constant field of energy all your thoughts, feelings, and actions are putting out a constant energetic frequency ... and your frequency in any given moment vibrates with other energetic frequencies...
This is so important to understand now more than ever because we live in a World of 8 billion+ people, and we are all part of a Collective Energy; because everything is energy, then everything (I mean everything that exists both physically and metaphysically is part of a collective whole), so if everything has an energetic vibration and everything is interconnected, then your life as an individual is created and influenced by the energy of people, environments, and events throughout your life.
Let that sink in for a minute:
Let's make this simple to understand:
·? ? ? ? If you are an Angry, Stressed person, you will attract the energetics of people and situations that will continue to trigger more anger and stress.
·? ? ? ? If you complain or worry about Money, Inflation, and Interest rates, you will attract the energetics of people and situations that will bring financial worry!
·? ? ? ? If you are still banging on about Covid, Conspiracies, or corruption, you'll be a moth to a flame attracting more of the low vibrational frequencies.
Cause here is the truth ... all the above is Man-made, part of the collective energy …
You cannot Raise Your Soul Vibration Rate whilst you are stuck in the collective.
Unfortunately, the collective exists in a low-vibrational frequency of energy, which is predominantly the 4th-dimensional frequency of the Mind.
The 4th dimension - The frequency of the Mind is the frequency of time and space, everything seems separate... it’s also the frequency of low vibrational thoughts like fears, worry, and lack.
This is why the collective is suffering more now, Mentally and Physically, than ever…? it’s like a plague running ramped, and yet everyone is asleep inside of it ... Even the people who think they are spiritually evolved are often controlled by the 4th-dimensional mind and collective energy, trying so hard to evolve and yet so entangled in the collective as they think the world is against them.??
When we are highly attuned to our Soul's highest vibrational frequency, we rise above all the man-made structures, noise, and control mechanisms of the physical world, we free ourselves from the collective and start creating from a different place ...
Your Purpose in this lifetime is to live in alignment with your Souls Divine purpose …
(This is so much greater than your goals, money, education, success, houses, cars, holidays or whatever is going on in the world)
You cannot find this place if you are constantly pulled into your Minds thoughts, beliefs, and programs of lack, fear, insecurity, loneliness, and everything else you worry about …
It doesn’t matter who you are, a business owner, entrepreneur, or spiritual healer, we are all influenced by the Collective of Humanity, influential people, the News, social media, World events, and even your own family, friends, and work colleagues... all of which is stifling your own frequency, vibration, expansion, and abundance… Making you feel Stuck!
So, how do we change this?
You need to rise above it all, connect with your higher self as often as possible, raise your Soul Vibration Rate by mastering the art of living in the present and the NOW, and detach from everything else circling around in your Mind.
Because right NOW is all there is!?
So why is this so difficult?
Because your Goals, drive, determination, beliefs, desires, hustle, grind, and fears have you living your life from your Mind, you’re either spending too much time in the future worrying about whether you'll achieve your goals or spending too much time in the Past thinking about what could go wrong from past experiences ...
This is the madness people are in daily, thinking they are doing the right thing...? But are trapped in the illusion of their Minds.
People are so bogged down, unhappy, tired, confused, and scared that they create more and more stories, narratives, and facades, drawing them deeper into the Collective (physical world) and trying to prove they are doing better than they believe internally …
This is normal as Humans are emotional creatures, who want to be loved, accepted, and validated.
But everyone has so much incongruency in their lives, it’s literally holding them in low vibration frequencies and states of being … meaning they are attracting more of what they don’t want.
Now let’s discuss the 5th Dimension (Spirit)??
Most people who are working on themselves play a dance between the 4th Dimension (Mind) and 5th Dimension (Spirit) …
This is also a trap because people think they are enlightened, evolved, or spiritual, and yet this dance between Mind and Spirit sends out constant vibrational frequencies saying I’m confused by what is real and what is not …
So, the Universe simply mirrors back these same frequencies reinforcing the fact you are confused and stuck… This creates opportunities for dark energy and dark entities to attach, creating more restriction in your energy …
Now you may understand why so many people are trying so hard to project a different version of themselves to the outside world … and why many people who achieve their goals, success, and even wealth through so much self-sacrifice end up burning out and carry a lot of dark energy and entities.
Because your ultimate goal is NOT doing whatever it takes to make more Money
Your Ultimate goal is to heal, align and expand your Souls Vibration Rate!
Now let’s talk about the 6th Dimension (Soul)
When you are living in alignment with your Souls’ Divine purpose, you are living in alignment with why you are here… and the energetic frequencies of living in alignment with your Souls purpose will attract everything you ever need to be supported.
Yet everyone must contend with the Physical world we live in and the overactivation of our Minds … With a world full of chaos, structures, and systems designed to create hierarchy and control for the masses, you need to elevate above all of this and see it’s not actually real and yet your Mind is sooo wrapped up in it all.
The physical world is like a big game, and if you are constantly drawn into the Chaos of the world, you will also be constantly lowering your Energetic Vibration and making things very hard for yourself, and sometimes impossible to feel truly aligned.
So how do you raise your Soul Vibration Rate?
Based on our experience, there are 3 core components.
1.? ? ? Healing
You must heal what opposes your Soul’s divine truth … You are a multi-dimensional being, meaning that to access your highest Soul Vibration rate, you must heal all restrictions on all dimensions and step into your place of truth.??
Healing the Mind and Expanding Consciousness
Now every single human on this planet, regardless of who you are and what you have achieved, has picked up beliefs, programs, and conditions from their childhood … from a neural pathway programming perspective, you must release parental programs, emotional childhood anchors, trauma, beliefs, and limitations holding your brain in conflict resulting in neurological stress and overload.
You must also heal neurological structures energetically, as the long-term effects of mental stress create blocks and restrictions in your brain’s structures, neural transmitters, and cellular damage creating a neurological decline.
Healing the mind and expanding your consciousness goes hand in hand with raising your Souls vibration rate, this is beyond mindset, this is deep neurological healing.
Healing the Body and Reprogramming Your Epigenetics
The connection between Neurological stress and Sympathetic nervous system dominance is the major factor behind people’s disconnection and declining health.
Years of compounding stress puts huge energetic restrictions on our glands and organs, these restrictions compound, creating blocks and restrictions in your energy and declining your health.
Although healing through diet, exercise, and sleep is critical, people need to look deeper and heal at a cellular level and a DNA level, including the understanding of Epigenetics, where so much is coded into our gene expression.
When you truly heal and balance your energy at a cellular level and enable the body’s natural healing abilities to occur is what will support you to raise your Soul vibration rate.
Healing the Soul and Removing dark Entities
This might be way over your head, and years ago, it was way over my head, also …
But if you want to understand the truth of who you are, why you are here, and what is your purpose in life, then this is key.
We are Souls having a human experience, and we are here to live out our Soul’s Divine purpose.
However, the restrictions of the physical world mentioned throughout this article are why so many people are disconnected from their purpose.
We can lose parts of our Soul, and we can take on a lot of dark energy and dark entities at a spiritual level, this happens through life, trauma, stress, suffering, loss, and so much more.
This is why so many people feel bogged down, lost, confused, isolated, empty, and like something is missing… because it is.
The more you heal your Soul and release dark energy and entities, the more Soul you can retrieve back, along with removing entities that are blocking your highest gifts, vibration, and self.
2.? ? ? Alignment
If your life is way out of balance, and you have so many misalignments across important pillars of your life, then you’ll be in that confusing collective energy of highs and lows.
The no.1 place everyone must start to heal and align, which are the only pillars we have real control over your Mind, Body, and Soul.
It’s hard to accept 100% responsibility for every area of our lives because it can be stressful and trigger our deepest insecurities. While your Mind will tell you that so many things are out of your control.
But if your external life is suffering, incongruent, and in constant conflict e.g. your relationships, Marriage, parenting, friends, work colleagues, staff etc
If your finances, business, and career are out of alignment, then you will restrict yourself from accessing higher levels of energy, vibration, and purpose.
As mentioned before, everything is energy, meaning everything in your life in interconnected.
When you heal and align your Mind, Body, and Soul, then everything external to you will either rise up to meet you, or it will fall away …
You will have to be super committed to yourself to rise above these changes and not be pulled back into the collective chaos and energy because, sadly, the collective energy is so strong it will pull you down if you let it
Remember this is 100% ownership, if you blame anything outside of yourself, you are lowering your energy and still caught up in the physical world.
3.? ? ? Expansion
We are here to learn our lessons and expand into our Soul’s highest purpose in this life, or we will pass away, and our Soul will come back again in another human body and try again.
There are no shortcuts, it takes time and dedication to yourself to expand your consciousness, even if you are getting help in doing so.
Warning: The impatience of the human Mind has people looking for expansion in the wrong places or trying to take shortcuts…
Plant medicine:
Is a fast-growing industry for people looking for expanded consciousness .. This is a very dangerous place to look for expanded consciousness because you are 100% open up your sovereignty to realms you have no idea what lies within.
People will promote the experience and show they have been exposed to plant medicine journeys without having any idea of what they gave away and allowed to come into them.
Shaman is like the new coach, popping up everywhere, every few Shamans in the world have the skills and gifts to protect you at the highest spiritual dimensions from the darkest of entities, like any drug, short-term experiences always come at a price of something much higher.
Group Healing & Breathwork:
Healing and Breathwork are very good practices for expansion, depending on the healing, practitioner, and environment.
Again, like before, when you open yourself up through these expansion practices, you also open yourself up to more dark energy and entity interference.
Group healing and breathwork is a prime example of this, the practitioner or the environment may not have the skills to protect you from interference, whilst you may purge and release trauma and energy, so is everyone else …
Be very mindful of environments where you may clear 3 entities and pick up 5 new ones from everyone else dumping in the room.
Too many pop-up healers, breath workers, and practitioners with Zero experience in transmuting dark energy and dark entities may think they are doing amazing work and yet could be facilitating entity transfer (This is a huge problem in the Spiritual & healer circles)
Hence why people keep going back time and time again, doing more work and slowly getting more bogged down.
This is the danger of collective energy in a healing environment, creating huge opportunities for more dark energy to come in.
There is no shortcut to Expanding one’s consciousness or raising your Soul Vibration rate, it takes time and commitment and will be the hardest journey in your life causes it’s the only journey.
For more information on all the above, please visit :
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Chief Conversational AI Disruptor @ ChatFusion/ContactLoop | E&Y Entrepreneur of the Yr '08 | $150mn Exit ‘08 | AI Insights for Marketers & Sales Executives
1 年Greg Gillies, great share -- very engaging. ??
Absolutely agree! Goals are crucial, but understanding the power of energy and soul vibration takes things to a whole new level. It's fascinating how expanding our perspective can unlock limitless abundance in every aspect of life.
Promotional Product Disruptor | Marketing strategy to bring new business to you ?? Maximize brand awareness impact with targeted merchandising products & video brochures | Business strategies to start new conversations
1 年Wow, this got me thinking! I've always been a goal-driven person, but now I'm curious to explore the power of energy and soul vibration.
Teach 1 million business owners how to grow and scale with confidence, clarity and predictably, without burnout. Want to know how? Complete the Quiz below for your next steps ??
1 年This is a really interesting perspective on achieving success and abundance in life. Brilliant share, Greg Gillies.
Scaling Businesses with Smart Solutions | Founder & CEO, TRANSFORM Solutions | 23+ Years of Tailored Business Solutions
1 年That was a good read. It acts as a subtle prompt to transcend mere goals and explore the deeper facets of our existence, leading to an authentic sense of abundance. Thank you for sharing.