ABT, Certification, Ecological Aspects: Let's shape the future of ticketing together!
Members of the Smart Ticketing Alliance work in various Working Groups on topics that are relevant for ticketing in public transport in Europe (and beyond). In these groups, experts from transport companies, transport associations as well as from the industry meet regularly - virtually or on site - to advance topics such as Account Based Ticketing (ABT), Mobility as a Service (MaaS) or international harmonisation.
In the coming weeks, three of these Working Group meetings will take place. One of them is also open to non-members.?
Meeting of the Working Group ABT: 18. April 2023 (online)
STA members work on a common vision with regard to Account Based Ticketing (ABT) to propose a level playing field scenario that would allow for acting as a reference for policy makers to avoid fragmented implementations of ABT in Public Transport. In 2022, an Open Stakeholder Workshop took place in Brussels, which presented the first results of the work and findings as well as positive examples. In March 2023, the group met in Cologne and is since then working on an agreed interoperable ABT framework based on common views. The next meeting will be held online on 18 April (9.00 - 12.00 CET)
STA Members who would like to be part of the Working Group, please contact our Technical Secretary Jaap de Bie .
??NEW Working Group Ecological Aspects ??Kickoff meeting 24. April 2023 (online)
Our new Working Group is ready to start: We invite all STA members who would like to bring the ecological aspects of ticketing to the table to a virtual kick-off meeting on 24 April from 10.30 to 11.30 (CET).?
Stay tuned: Our members will receive an email by next Monday with more information about the kickoff ??
You are not yet a member? Then hurry up and become a member today ??♀?
Open Workshop of the Working Group Certification: 4. May 2023 (Brussels)
This workshop is also open to non-members: On 4 May in Brussels at the premises of UITP , we will discuss the question of what certification has to do with trust, what certification means, how to practically adopt and assure correct usage of standards.
"Trust in Ticketing is paramount. But how to realise this? Come and learn from recognised experts in the field and discuss with us the future roadmap certification should take."
Ralph Gambetta, STA chairman?
With experts from Calypso Networks Association , DG Move ( European Commission ), French ministry of transport, VDV eTicket Service GmbH & Co. KG , PAYCERT and many more.
We look forward to welcoming you to Brussels. Register ?? here