Abstractions Everywhere
Jeremy Epstein
Professionally, I am passionate about #Marketing and #Web3. I have other passions as well and I'm not shy about sharing them on LinkedIn. ?????????????????
Part of what is going on with the transition to a digital-first money system is that we’re going through a process of “deabstractification.”
Money is, in its essence, an abstraction because it is a representation of something else…value.
That abstraction used to be only physical, first and foremost.
Then it became virtual.
Now it’s digital.
But it’s a representation of something tangible in the real-world.
Language is also an abstraction.
It allows us to discuss things like ideas, which are present in the “real-world” for each of us, and convey them to others.
Our world is surrounded by abstracted representations of other objects.
It’s almost “Matrix-like” in its formation.
Perhaps the skill is to, at all times-or at least, when possible- recognize when we’re immersed in an abstraction and act accordingly.
Whatever that means.
Either way, the abstractions…and the abstractions of the abstractions (like that scene of derivate bets in the Big Short) are everywhere.
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