Abstract ART link: David Conison Photographs "TOWARDS IMMATERIALITY"
Jeff Streeby
Associate Editor at OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters (O:JA&L) LinkedIn Open Networker (LION)
I. History
–I came to photography late. I trained as a theater and opera director, but eventually I left frustrated that the images I wanted to create on the darkness of the stage could not be realized.
–The theater I used to make was often called “conceptual.” I was never much interested in reality – people discussing marital crises on a couch in a simulated living room and that sort of thing. I wanted a replication of reality on stage only so after an hour of banal discussion, a giant block...
To explore the entire feature, copy and paste the link: https://abstractmagtv.com/2017/05/18/towards-immateriality-the-work-of-david-conison/