An Absolutely Amazing MD weekend
Adwoa Dickson, Project Director of the Amies Projects.
As part of my Amies role is to lead three choirs of female survivors of trafficking, I am definitely an MD (Musical Director). So linking with other MDs is a great way to learn new skills, develop ideas, share experiences and offer my skills for others to use.
When our Amies Freedom Choir won the “Women of the Year” award for Community Spirit, I was interviewed on television by Lorraine Kelly and was spotted by a member of a network called MD Brunch and invited to join. I have been a ‘Bruncher’ since 2020.
?MD Brunch began in the pandemic and met regularly online to talk about the experiences, and difficulties, of running choirs when we couldn’t meet in person.? In 2021 when choirs could meet, but with social distancing, we explored performing in this way at the Tower of London.? It was my first physical interaction with MD Brunch and led to my continued involvement.
?It is a constantly evolving space for asking questions, learning and receiving advice about anything to do with being a music leader: the best microphone to use in a certain space, how to deal with the logistics of leading a choir and even what sort of clothes to wear when conducting. It is a warm and welcoming network where no questions are too ridiculous and responses are useful, insightful and varied.
Each year they hold an MD Brunch Intensive.? This is a weekend (as the name implies, an intense weekend) of workshops by top practitioners in the music leaders’ world.? I was there for this year’s three day (10.30-21.00) intensive and “Boy was it intense!”
The experts leading sessions were phenomenal in their delivery of material.? It was all incredibly useful and I learned a lot which will go straight back into Amies’ work.
Days began with The Daily Energiser, introducing different ideas for warm ups.? Naveen Arles (founder and creative director MD Brunch) would start these always uplifting sessions and then other music leaders were invited to share their ideas. I shared two, both of which were new to everyone.
After these we got down to some serious work led by some truly serious facilitators. We covered topics such as PRS licensing (Piers McLeish), Daniel Lewis (PRS), Styles of Conducting (Neil Ferris), Becoming a Peak Performer (Andy Instone), Vocal Cross-Training for Ensembles (Sandra Oberoi), How to Mic your Choir (Dr Ignacio Monteverdi), How to Make Words Dance (Pete Churchill), and Next Level Rehearsal Methods (Kevin Fox and Liz Swain).
So much material was disseminated and is still being processed.? Elements are already being planted in our Amies sessions.?
It was intense but there was a generosity of spirit, a space where all were willing to engage and learn and most of all, laughter!!!
MD Brunch is led by Naveen Arles and Mel Field, two amazing individuals working assiduously to bring music leaders together and to get things done!!
More about our Amies Choirs here: