The Absolute Truth=The Present
The NOW !

The Absolute Truth=The Present

There is only ONE truth in the world and that is the present.

The Here AND The Now (A moment in space and time)

For AN event or moment to happen billions of “matter” like substances need to align in order with the empty vastness of the “universe”.

This is THE MIRACLE of the NOW ,it is the ONLY truth.

Energy must NOT be lost or gained, it must merely get transformed, this is natures law. For this to be achieved at the scale of the universe , successive growth must happen at a higher efficiency so each "future" stage of growth needs to built upon the NOW.

For the Present to happen in the way it is supposed to happen ALL in it have to play a role. We need to engage with the Present or the Now.

If we choose not to engage, we are not doing our “bit” for the present. We are violating our contract with Nature as we are not generating our share of the "Force" as without Action no Force can be generated !

Force equals mass * action.

Action is sacred as it happens in the NOW. This is our homage to nature. When we act, we full fill our contract with Nature.

Bodies with large mass generate strong gravitation force with comparitively small "action" or "movement". Smaller bodies like us dont have a choice !

We need to move fast..... (Learn from the atom)

We need to act to generate force and keep the universe moving. Those “matter like substances” that have Imagination or the power to visualize the “unseen” are nature’s gifts to itself. As they help in perpetuating nature's law of indestructable but mutable energy.

Our specie is ONE of the gifts of nature to itself !

We owe the “act” of “action” to nature….  

The Absolute Truth=The Present=Action


