Absolute Solar House Building Sub-Contractor
Absolute Solar #Profile
Absolute Solar provides house builders with a reliable and trusted partner in delivering Cavity Wall Insulation (#CWI) and Loft Insulation (#LI) to new build projects for sites from 700 plot size downwards. We work with over 30 national and regional builders delivering over 10,000 energy saving measures annually. Working closely with #housebuilders Absolute Solar is a trusted partner in delivering planned build projects with the flexibility which house builders need from their partners.
With the introduction of Part L coming into full effect from 15th June 2023, these interim changes will reduce the #carbonfootprint of #newbuild housing by 31% compared to existing homes. Building Regulations will set ambitious efficiency standards for UK housing. These changes pave the way for the 2025 Future Homes Standard (FHS), which calls for the average house to produce at least 75% fewer carbon emissions than current rules allow. Absolute Solar are working with our 30 #housebuilders across hundreds sites throughout the #Midlands to support them deliver high quality housing to these new standards.
As our name suggest we install #solar #panel #PV systems, with battery storage for #newbuild properties throughout the #Midlands. With over 9,200 solar panel PV systems installed to date we are highly regarded for the design and insulation we deliver. We have invested in warehouse and logistics to support the growth of solar. We are a stockholder of high performance solar panel systems and provide battery storage solutions as an integral part of our premium offering.
For new build in-roof solar using UK's leading brand #Viridian #Solar #Clearview provides house builders with modern, stylist and cost-effective modern in-roof solar systems much in demand by house builders.
We are also a distributor and wholesaler of domestic #batterystorage which provides even more energy saving for homeowners. As the #UK #distributor of SKYLINE EcoBoost battery range provides easy to install All-In-One battery solutions.
If you are a house builder looking for a Midlands partner to support your housebuilding then get in touch?