The ABSOLUTE GREATEST LESSON lesson you will learn today.
This is a BELTER.
You got 10meg mifi wifi download.
You pop into a coffee shop and sit down to enjoy your drink, whilst you work and surf.
In the next table you see a business like person suited and booted, on the next table struggling to get online because the coffee shops system.
So you helpfully suggest they are more than welcome to tether and use your wifi.
The person thanks you and taps in your log in code.
And then loads up Netflix.
The 2 teenagers on next table ask the business person can they also use the log in.And she directs them to you.
You reluctantly say ok, now you got 3 external people using your wifi that was really only for 1-2 people.
Anyways it is what is is, opening your laptop to do the work, you see that now you got 0.5meg download speed as 95% is being used on the other 3 people.
It’s making it impossible to work, undertake the tasks you originally set out to do.
You drink your coffee and now want to leave, not because you need/want to leave but because you are now pissed off with and want to get your wifi back. But now you now feel obligated to stay as one of the teens is now FaceTiming their hospitalised Gran.
So now you stay longer than you want. Which knocks onto your entire day.
1) You haven’t done the work what you set our to do, at coffee shop.
2) You're pissed off re this and how you can’t leave now, without your best intentions now causing you additional problems
Swap wifi with “energy”
This is why helping others before yourself is a BIG mistake.
You can’t win.
That doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t help.
But. Today’s lesson is how could you have been helpful in this situation whilst maintaining the workable wifi/energy for yourself?
This lesson will absolutely serve you in all areas of your life.