Jimmy Matlosz
Collaborative Filmmaker: I am a Cinematographer ?? Director ?? Screenwriter??
I have noticed a handful of predictions for the year ahead, I have also reviewed predictions from years past.? In that review I have also reviewed my own goals, hopes and dreams, it’s a fickle beast for sure. Of course there are events and aspirations we completely knocked out of the park, then there are the handful of items that have occupied the to do list for years.? So the question is, do we adjust those items, forget ‘em or ‘Keep on Keepin’ on?’ ?
All that said, I hope you checked off a handful of to-do’s last year and you have a shiny new list for 2025!? If you’re an entrepreneur, you know this road never ends, it may be a new and different road, but it goes on, and, I do believe that is the path of most entrepreneurs, once an entrepreneur always an entrepreneur.? If you are a filmmaker, your mantra will be survive and thrive in ’25.? Truth is, no one knows WTF to expect, we are an optimistic bunch.
OK, so with that blabbering out of the way, here is my list of absolute predictions for 2025.? The sun will rise and set every day, a lot of weird stuff will happen, some really cool stuff will happen, we will be shocked, elated, dismayed and surprised.? You will either have another birthday or not… baby’s will be born, some folks will die. We will sleep, eat and drink.
That’s all I got, sorry to say, but one thing is for sure, come Jan 1, 2026, I will be right!
OK, so here is some more substance to share, I have exceeded one year of newsletters, I have spent the last few weeks pondering endlessly where this newsletter goes next.? What should I write about?? The most exciting post I had, was regarding a Punk Rock Revolution in filmmaking, the least popular, was probably my last, Reflecting On the Past, it only garnered 867 Impressions. Honestly I still have no idea what to do with those, but I'm working on it. That last post, I must admit, lacked vigor, vim or any inspiration, it may have been fueled by the vapors I have been running on as the year came to a close.? But I have plans, just like the Joker…Oh wait he didn’t have plans, but I assure you I do.
Anyway, I’m faffing -?
Stay tuned, if you like for philosophies and teachings on filmmaking, my prep work for funding a feature, entrepreneurialism and my fund raising plans moving forward for that new camera Thingy.