Abracadabra, let the magic unfold…
"Your Words Creates Your World"
Annu Parker
Abracadabra loosely means “I will create according to the words” or “I will create as I speak”. Interesting, isn’t it. We have only heard it from magicians as they perform some tricks. But in a way, they are also priming our mind to expect the unexpected. As the magicians says these words, we get mesmerized in to the act.
When Amruta approached me a couple of years back, she was a well-known psychiatrist, who had a very good practice. Her clients mostly people with stress had successfully recovered and doing well. All was well, yet at a deeper level, Amruta felt she was an imposter.
Her own life was in doldrums. She had a bad marriage and her husband was verbally abusive at times and physically as well. She was under tremendous stress and had a few thoughts around ending her life. She was completely dissatisfied with her relationship yet she was treating patients around relationships. What an irony.
What happens when a leading psychiatrist approaches an expert in life? She was not sure, if it was the right thing to do, yet she felt the need and urge to speak with someone outside her profession. By the time, she came to me, she was a divorcee and never wanted to get back in relationship.
When we spoke, what I found out was Abracadabra. She had created her own words as she spoke. The tape of her relationship failure was played again and again and she felt more victimized every time she spoke. There was a sadness in her eyes and voice as she spoke. Tears rolled down her eyes and was always followed with eerie silence and a gritty resolve to never have new relationships.
She was so sure that she would not be able to attract anyone in her life. Life was never going to be the same again for her.
After a few conversations, we got into the root cause of why things happened for her. She had childhood beliefs that she was not worth parental love. Experiences and events in her life had made her believe stronger about her worthlessness. As we went deeper, I could see glimmer of hope as she became more aware of her shortcomings and ways to move up the ladder.
This is what happens, when we speak as a victim and blame the entire world for our unhappiness. We create our world with our words. As we create the world we hate to live, we can also create the opposite. We can create the world we love to live. Here are a few ways in which you could create the new world
Choose your words with care. Choose high quality words over lower ones. Choose words which raise your vibrations. The easiest way to check the quality of your word is to say it loud. As you say it loud and chant it, see whether you feel good or bad after saying that word. If you feel you are losing on energy, then definitely that is a word to drop and vice versa
2. Quantity beats Quality
Its counterintuitive, but true. I just said, quality beats quantity, but here quantity beats quality. Once you have identified quality words, which help you gain energy, say more of them. Every time, you speak with someone, or you write an email, make sure you utter these words as many times as possible. This will definitely help you raise your vibrations.
One way to do that is if someone asks you, “how are you?”, say “I am wonderful”, or “I am on top of my world” or something similar. The more you say it, the more you accept it in your world and abracadabra.
3. Become ONE with Awareness
Consciously make a decision to be aware. I know it is difficult but not impossible. As you speak, be aware. As you write, be aware. As you think and feel, be aware. Become ONE. Become aware as close as possible to the words. The more aware you are, the better it would be.
4. Chicken Out of Unwanted Conversations
If some friendly conversations are not adding value, then chicken out. Even if that means, giving a lame excuse, like a call from your gardener, who wants your inputs on fertilizers. Any excuse would do. The idea is to quickly move away from what you do not want in life.
5. From Word to World
Your world is created by the words you use. So if you want to change your world, if you want to experience a different world, choose a different word. Consciously, choose words which mean higher vibrations. At once, drop words which have no meaning into your life now or which help you drain your energy.
One has to give the time and space for miracles to occur. There is nothing called as instant change. Though decisions are taken instantly, the changes take a little time to occur. Give yourself one month at least for changes. Till then say along with me “Abracadabra”
Think of some positive words for using in daily life and say it aloud. Try using these words to boost your positive vibrations. Start saying I can do it instead of I can not do it.