Branko Skipina
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The incantation that I have engraved on one simple bracelet and that is with me all the time.
In Hebrew, it means "I will create as I speak". In Aramaic, it translates as “I create like the word".
There is a real deep meaning behind this word/incantation.
It was believed that it has restorative powers, the magic to heal people and expel their demons.
In modern times, due to influence of (popular) psychology, we usually know that abracadabra is related to “beware what you say/wish for, it might come true”.
True, it is related to that that we have to pay attention to what we say out loud to others.
But it is especially related to what we say to ourselves.
Simply put, our words affect our subconscious, and thus it is reflecting on those words and sending us what we said, one way or another.
As much as this sounds ridiculous to the most people, I do and will stand behind this view. Because it is true and I saw (and am still seeing) its effects every day.
Be careful what you say to yourself (and to others as well). Your subconscious mind and your body will be affected by those words, and you will (obviously) feel (in the end) the consequences of those words. Maybe not immediately, but inevitably. And that painful result could strike at any moment. The reason is simple: your negative words are slowly and systematically destroying you.
You know how they say that thousands and thousands of ants can destroy a rock castle, as time passes? Well, imagine every negative thought/word is an ant, and your body and mind are that castle. Do you think you will last that long?
Want another example? River crashes into the big rock. The big, proud rock does not allow the river to pass. However, the river is patiently pushing. There will be two outcomes: eventually, the river will break through the rock OR it will find the way around it. Either way, it is a defeat for rock.
Think little about this.
But, back to abracadabra…
Remember that research how an average person has about 60.000 – 80.000 thoughts per day. Wow, that’s a lot! And here is a million dollar question: Have you ever thought how many of those thoughts are negative and influencing you in bad way?
Remember my thoughts about systematic destruction of body and soul? Ants, river?
You need to start to control as many thoughts as you can. Of course, I do not think that you control every thought, it is literally impossible (and I believe it would drove your crazy). I am talking about those thoughts you can became instantly aware.
“But you just said it! What can I do if I say/think something negative about myself? I cannot simply overnight start controlling my thoughts! I will definitely still say lots of negative stuff…”, someone might comment.
And he/she would be right.
You cannot change this overnight. The reason is, actually, simple and obvious. For so many years or decades, you have conditioned yourself to think negatively, right?
But what could be one of the solutions? Let’s try this one (pretty effective from my experience).
Instant replacement. A new conditioning of yourself.
“Whenever I think some negative thought that I know it is not helping me, I will instantly replace it with some positive thought”.
I know, I know… it is such an old solution, you heard this one before.
But guess what? It works. It seriously does.
You need to train yourself to not hold negative thought too long in your mind.
But you also need to go step by step.
Going from:
I am sick -> I am healthy and I am feeling so great I could run a marathon!
… will (most likely) definitely not work, especially if you do not have a strength to get out of bed and have a high fever. You will feel even worse, because you will be aware that you have put unreasonable request. Your brain will block immediately this message to your body and subconscious, stating “Man, be realistic, you are definitely not ok, you can barely get up from your bed.”
But, going from:
I am sick -> I am feeling stronger than before and I can feel I am recovering fast, I know that I will soon be healthy, because I have some many things to do in the upcoming days
… will change your brain’s perspective of the situation.
Change your perspective about something, and that something will change its perspective.
Even when we were taught about this technique, it’s like they forgot to tell us that we need to go step by step.
If you never ran before, you do not start with the marathon! You start with warming up and going short distances.
Positive thoughts are like going to gym (or exercising at home). If you feel out of shape (weak, overweight, or some other term you prefer), do you really expect to see the muscles after few days/weeks of exercises? For so many years/decades you were out of shape. Get real! You need to go step by step and pick up the pace with time. Results are something that come gradually.
Other people go with overkill. Let me practice like maniac every day, with no break. I need results as soon as possible. I will ignore that pain and keep pushing! And you maybe starting feeling better about yourself and you maybe see a little result. And then… your body breaks down. And you go again negative “I knew it! This doesn’t work for me. Let’s be real, I can’t do it!”
And you are back to square one.
Now, replace the example of exercising with positive thinking.
You get the picture.
I am confident that more than 80% of you will actually think: “He doesn’t understand me…he doesn’t realize I’ve wasted so many years/decades of my life, living as a failure. I really do need some results/changes in my life. I am really running out of time!”
Newsflash! Sure, you probably wasted so/too much of your time.
Now it is time to sacrifice it in proper way…no, now it is time to INVEST your time the right way.
It is time to stop fooling yourself.
You know really well that doing the same thing again and again without change of the approach will give the same (unsuccessful) result. Heck, Thomas Edison created lightbulb after thousand tries… I am pretty certain that he didn’t do every step in the same way all thousand times, hoping that somehow it will work by magic… I believe that every time he changed at least one step in his work, to see if it will bring the new outcome.
No one accepts (me, my work, my soul)
Who said that to you? One person? Two? Three? Ten? Hundred? Thousand?
More than seven BILLION people life on this Earth! And, in the most pessimistic scenario (since I know you like pessimism), probably ten million people would accept (you, your work, your soul). Out of that ten million, probably 500.000 lives in nearby states/areas. And out of those 500.000. several thousand people are most likely next to you.
You just don’t see them.
And how could you? You’ve conditioned yourself with “I am a failure and I do not deserve to be accepted”.
And start by paying attention to what you say to yourself (in both silent and a loud scenario).