Above Defeat

Above Defeat

It seems not a day goes by where we find just one more jaw-drop of a happening in our world. When visiting with one of my dear clients today, I couldn't help expressing my concern over the weakening social fibers within our Country, and possibly giving other superpowers in our world, an opportunity to take advantage of such. Whether we like it or not, history does repeat itself, and no matter how hard great empires and nations have believed themselves to be above defeat, sooner or later it happens, and usually having started from within. Let's hope America regains its sensibilities, and re-unites as one.

Pretty much the bulk of my day was doing mid-month accounting, setting appointments, and working on closing files. I still can't believe the banks haven't opened their lobbies as of yet, which is making it all the harder to get in touch with personal bankers for payoffs on loans. One of them did tell me that it looks like their lobby will be opening the end of this month, and none too soon.

Because this shut-down has been going on since March, there's no question in my mind that when everything does fully open, business will not be back to the normal we were so accustomed to. The shake-up of Principal Financial Group is likely just the beginning of things to come, and in the end, it won't surprise me a bit if there are double, or even triple more the numbers of people working from home.

I was having a normal conversation with a young person today, and not so shocked to find him struggling for words. We can't really blame them, but more so the forms of communication that has seeped into our culture. Another young man mentioned he'd text me either today or tomorrow regarding an appointment, and after I hung up I thought, “Hmmm. So you can't even pick up the phone and call?” Yes, this is the evolving society in which we live.

I wanted to be sure and mention to all of you the recent reduction on 12 S. Willowgreen Court, which places its asking price now down to $169,500 which is one heck of a value considering the big ticket kitchen make-over it recently had. The seller wants it sold, so please put the word out. I also want to remind everyone that those townhomes were built by our highly respected Ken Peterson Builders. I personally vouch for Ken's quality, because I've sold enough homes over the years that he'd built.

It's that time of year again when the Linden trees come into bloom. I do like the smell of them, but if standing under one of them long enough, grows a bit sickening. In many Northern European countries, they use the flowers from them to make tea which is supposed to be not only tasty, but good for one's health as well.

Speaking of aromatic blooms, Lilly of the Valley is another one that smells good at a distance, but if you're close, or near a big patch, they too can border on being nauseating. It just goes to show, too much of any good thing can create reverse effects. I don't know what they're called, but those lower-growing trees that line the highway side of Mercy Hospital's parking lot, have some of the most beautiful blossom plumes, but if you stop to smell them, yuck! I'd say they border on the stench Moon Flowers have which I can smell from feet away. I got a full blast one year outside the front door of my office because one of the neighbors several doors down decided to grown them in his sidewalk flower bed. Thank goodness none of them came up the following year.

During my lunch break, I decided to stop and check my San Marzanno tomato plants, and when I looked, those vile deer had eaten the tops off three of the larger ones in the night. Oh how those devils go to my core! I then made a quick trip out to Hardware Hank and bought a long-lasting form of Deer repellant which they were selling in spray bottles. I drove back over there and gave them all a good misting, along with the ground around them. I also sprayed several Hostas which looked like they'd also started munching on. I'm hoping that repellant does the trick until I get that deer fencing/netting up, and when I got a whiff of it, it wasn't a pleasant smell.

Speaking of those giant rabbits, I noticed one standing at the corner of the bridge near Southbridge Mall early this morning, and with a look as though she was casually enjoying a summer morning out in the woods.

While I was out at Hardware Hank, I noticed they're now selling another variety of Roundup which kills weeds, but doesn't affect lawn grass. I have a patch of Creeping Charlie growing in my yard, and still debating whether I should use that on it, or just keep in cut short so it doesn't spread as easily. I've known for some time, “Charlie” doesn't do well in full sun or dry soil.

I had a late afternoon appointment with a new customer, and hopefully I'll be able to find something that suits her. Just yesterday I forewarned a buyer coming in from out of town that we are in the midst of a “feeding frenzy” with buyers, and hopefully it'll soon start settling down.

Tonight's one-liner is: The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2020/06/15/above-defeat/


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