The French say that it is only that which is meant to be temporary that lasts. We say that hard cases make bad law! Abortion came into Ireland as the result of an illegal, criminal and unconstitutional conspiracy. Abortion does not represent the law of the land in Ireland. Unjust laws can never be Law, especially if they are based on a deliberate debasement and distortion of the Constitution of Ireland the basic, essential and fundamental Law that governs all public and private affairs, laws, morality, the right to life, from conception to natural death, and all other human and personal rights in our Republic! But the putative laws on abortion continue to operate as if they were legal and will continue to operate as if they were legal unless the abortion referendum is revisited and set aside. Hundreds, eventually thousands, of innocent unborn babies will continue to be killed. The complicit Government and the Health Service Executive brief the public relentlessly on RTE as to the number of Corona Virus deaths, but remain steadfastly silent as to the number of Irish babies who die, or rather who are murdered through abortion. Yet the Irish people have the right to know and Government and dictatorial Health Service Executive must be called to account. To amend the situation for the better and significantly improve the plight of the unborn, the entire and total validity and implementation of the gross legal prostitution that was the Abortion referendum must be challenged at home and abroad, so that the terrible criminal and genocidal damage can be halted and stopped, if not undone. The unfortunate reality is that dead and aborted babies cannot be brought back to life, but an end can be put to the wholesale and totally immoral killing of the unborn. The primary rights at stake and at issue are the lives of unborn babies. Killing unborn babies does nothing to enhance or improve the rights of mothers! Ireland and Irish society likes to think that it is some sort of stellar example to the world – an earthly paradise inhabited by paragons of virtue, probity and respecters of human rights. Regrettably, Ireland is nothing of the kind – very far from it. Ten years of the Celtic Tiger showed up Ireland as an inherently dishonest Nation, run to benefit twisted financiers by as yet unpunished politicians and crooks. Our political leaders pride themselves on the “Good Friday Agreement” an unholy Concordat with Satan which effectively granted immunity and impunity from prosecution to murderous terrorists, alongside with numerous seats in the Irish Parliament, where they have consistently fomented for abortion, and now stand ready to leapfrog into Government. Nothing to be proud of there, but our children ought to be different, especially as they lie asleep, harmless and defenseless in their mothers’ wombs. But the sad reality is that we didn’t offer Irish children as “a sacrifice fit for the gods”; we chose “to hew Irish unborn children as carcasses fit for hounds”. We cannot escape the fact, even as we drown our sorrows in these worrying Corona Virus times, that we have in truth sinned greatly not just against man, but against God! We have sinned just as King Herod sinned when he sought to kill to kill the baby Jesus, the only-begotten son of the living God! King Herod sought to practice abortion and infanticide on the grandest scale against the Messiah and the Holy Innocents. Then, just as now, abortion and infanticide were forbidden by the Law of Moses. The Sixth Commandment specifically states “Thou shall not kill!”. There is no prevarication or fine print; the prohibition is absolute! Indeed, King Solomon the Wise, the founder of the Temple in Jerusalem, held in a justly celebrated judgement that no true mother would try to kill or harm her own child. But Solomon’s wisdom was not particular to or peculiar to the Jewish faith or subsequently to the Judaeo-Christian tradition (which was respected and practiced for so many centuries in Ireland and is still the correct corner-stone of our Constitution and our Laws). Almost all the peoples and civilizations of the World wanted to see their children born safely and unharmed. The Greeks, who supplied most of the doctors in Antiquity, including to Imperial Rome, required all their medical practitioners to swear a Hippocratic Oath, including a solemn undertaking never to use abortifacient substances. Breaking this Oath disqualified any doctor irremediably from practicing (as it still does today Premier Leo). Rome was engaged in a titanic struggle for survival with Carthage. What distinguished Carthage from Rome was the Carthaginian habit of practicing human sacrifice – killing the first born. The practice was so horrible that it led Cato the Censor, one of the towering figures of the Roman Republic, to conclude all his speeches with the exhortation “Carthage must be destroyed”. In due course, it was. But Cato’s remark raises the question whether by condemning our own children to death, in deliberate criminal and constitutional violation and defiance, of what we knew to be the Truth and of all our own most basic and most important Laws, we have not in fact sown the seeds of our own destruction. James Joyce didn’t always speak the truth, but he was a devoted father to his daughter and sustained her through very difficult times. He wasn’t and wouldn’t have been remotely amused when he said that “Only the sow devours her own farrow”. Premier Leo, Fine Gael, Soldiers of Destiny, Terrorists and assorted Independents have succeeded in reducing Ireland to a country populated by cannibalistic Carthaginians or a collection of voracious carnivorous corporate tax-deducting pigs. Well done, your work represents as fine an advance for Franco-German civilization, as has been seen since the invasion of the Roman Empire by the Barbarian hordes at the beginning of the Dark Ages! The Barbarians used wild animals in the Circus and in combat – not just mighty elephants, or kingly lions, but odious child-eating Mumbai tigers and innumerable fawning jackals!    

The abortion referendum saga has been marked by an unending and ever-multiplying string of lies – a implementing a strategy of carefully calculated and calibrated deceit! Premier Leo set the ball rolling by lying before the general election to the effect that he was pro-life, but then stating immediately after the election that Ireland's abortion laws were 'too restrictive and need to be reformed'. Premier Leo, the whole of the Irish Parliament and all the Irish Supreme Court Judges knew that under the Constitution of Ireland and under its Criminal Laws this could simply not be done lawfully, legally and constitutionally! 

Premier Leo’s greatest lie is that he has always sought to present himself as deeply caring while arguing that abortion is a strictly personal and private issue, or moral choice, as if the lives of the unborn babies did not matter and were NOT involved. Premier Leo equivocated and deliberately fudged by speaking of the need for a mythical respectful debate over a period of months – choosing all the while to ignore, but to encourage, the terrible reality of the Holocaust of unborn children which must inevitably come at the end of a manipulated, warped, distorted and demagogic referendum debate.

Premier Leo began fabricating the ammunition and falsehoods for use in his referendum campaign by invoking and relying on the work of the Citizen’s Assembly, an illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional body whose membership was picked by a computer, in flagrant breach of all the Electoral Acts, and which sought (and still seeks to this day) to usurp the legislative role given under the Constitution to Parliament. The Citizen’s Assembly was perhaps the most bizarre, and subversive, of Kenny’s legacies – whose leadership of Fine Gael would otherwise only be remembered for infamously accusing the Pope of “narcissism” and for the all too obvious pleasure Kenny got from ostentatiously kissing Angela at European Summits. The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution gives equal protection to the life of the unborn child and to the life of the child’s mother. The Parliamentary Committee, unconstitutionally tasked with examining the Eight Amendment, having based its recommendations on its consideration of the work of the Citizen’s Assembly, a seriously illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional body, grossly exceeded its constitutional powers and voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment. In its place, but subject to a collective and unanimous decision of the Government, the Parliamentary Committee on Health recommended holding a constitutional referendum which would propose allowing abortion without any restriction of any kind for the first 12 weeks of a mother’s pregnancy. The vote was based after hearing false and perjured evidence from many medical and legal experts illegally participating in the work of the Citizens’ Assembly. The mixture was added to by a host of unverified personal horror stories, delivered without any cross-examination or verification over some three months. The whole exercise or travesty was a painful, illegal, odious, perjured, criminal and unconstitutional charade.

Premier Leo said that he had “a particular responsibility … to make sure that the wording – the actual question that the Government put to the people – is the right one, that it’s sound and that it isn’t going to be open to interpretation or challenge … so I want to actually know what that question is before asking people to say yes or no to it”. There were only two main problems with this proposition. The first was that, as was obvious from an interview which Deputy Premier Simon gave to Sean O’Rourke on RTE, the decision of the Government was not collective and unanimous as required under the Constitution. Deputy Premier Simon told Sean O’Rourke that he personally had withheld his consent – thereby negating and nullifying the Government decision. The second problem was that Premier Leo and Minister Simon Harris chose to lay a draft Bill proposing abortion before Parliament – something which is absolutely forbidden by the Constitution of Ireland and the Criminal Laws of Ireland and which makes all legislation relating to the holding or the outcome of a referendum null, void, and of no effect from the beginning.

The Soldiers of Destiny 

Deputy Michael Martin said that he believed the Eighth Amendment needed to be removed from the Constitution because it “has been shown to cause real damage to Irish women”. Martin’s impromptu conversion to abortion came after he brazenly lied to his Party Conference stating very publicly only a few weeks ago that he was “Pro-life”. His about turn was reminiscent of his betrayal of Irish sovereignty by forcing the Irish people to vote twice on the Treaty of Lisbon.

Premier Leo and Michael Martin, as good conspirators and terrorists so often do, pretended that somehow they disagreed with each other over the fate of Ireland’s unborn children. There wasn’t a jot or an iota of a difference between them when it came to killing the unborn. Both Premier Leo and Michael Martin knew, as accomplished terrorists, that the easiest time and place to kill a child is when that child lies defenseless and unprotected in its mother’s womb. Ironically, the Government, the Soldiers and the Terrorists were almost deprived of any abortion referendum because unexpectedly the cervical cancer scandal brought the Government to the edge of collapse. Premier Leo and Fine Gael were only rescued when Mary Lou and her Terrorists and other Vampires rallied to the cause. A particularly nauseating sight was Michael Martin embracing Mary Lou on national television on the eve of the referendum. The Founding Fathers and previous leaders of the Soldiers of Destiny who fought so hard to give better lives to all of Ireland’s children must be turning in their graves!


Maurice James, Barrister at Law, United Nations Counter-Terrorism Counsel


