Devon Cuimara
Justice Reinvestment is about returning power and resources to community to lead their own solutions
The first Aboriginal men’s conference to be held in the Pilbara region, the Family Violence & Sexual Abuse Conference ‘Sons of Fathers’, 29th – 30th November 2017, is the first in a series of conferences. The Aboriginal Males Healing Centre (AMHC) shall endeavour to develop and deliver a platform to conduct important Men’s Business in the Pilbara.
The conference will address Aboriginal men and their ongoing use of violence and the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children. We need innovative and collaborative ideas to combat our use of violence against our women and the sexual abuse of our children in our communities.
These conferences will become valued occasions in the Rehabilitative Program Development community calendar; bringing together hundreds of attendees from across the Pilbara, the North West of Western Australia and for those who work towards the social and emotional well-being of Aboriginal men of the Pilbara region.
The general purpose of AMHC Conferences is to provide opportunities for Aboriginal men and specialists from all over the nation to meet and discuss the current research and impact of the use of violence against women and sexual exploitation of vulnerable children, as well as a broad range of other subjects pertaining to this matter. The Pilbara region is a very compact geographical region, well provided with conference facilities, making it a feasible location to hold inexpensive meetings.
The fact that the AMHC Conferences are organised by Aboriginal men primarily for the benefit of Aboriginal men, should be kept in mind. Qualified specialists from any part of the country are, of course, welcome as participants; but the need to improve communications within the Pilbara region is relevant to the conference programme and to the choice of leading speakers.
We invite your organisation to contribute to this unique event and benefit from the opportunity to share your brand with an audience; representing some of the largest and most influential NGO’s in the national Aboriginal men’s social and emotional wellbeing development sector. Through the sponsorship opportunities outlined in this document, your organisation can support the running of this anticipated event, and be recognised as a valued contributor to cross-sector dialogue and cooperation.
Family Violence & Sexual Abuse Conference ‘Sons of Fathers’: intervention, collaboration, coordination and solidarity. The adoption of the Sustainable Rehabilitative Program Development Goals (SRPDGs) with the commitment of leaving no one behind, signals a new phase for rehabilitative development. With it comes an opportunity to critically assess how new rehabilitative program development goals and milestones are likely to be shaped and delivered against this ambitious, yet critical, criterion.
A key step in achieving new rehabilitative program development goals is to identify priorities based on both new and longstanding knowledge gaps; to help orient decision-making processes and the strategic allocation of limited funding. This must involve a set of research priorities that engage Aboriginal men, men in government and male academic’s; with the challenges and opportunities faced by practitioners and policy-makers.
Research and evaluation that underlies rehabilitative program development policy agendas has not always been effectively translated into, or informed by practice. One way to do this is to combine the expertise of Aboriginal men, men in government, male academic’s, practitioners and policymakers to design research approaches to maximise program development impact.
The conference aims to facilitate cross-sector debates among Aboriginal men, men in government and male academics, practitioners and policy-makers that contribute to new approaches to practice whilst challenging traditional disciplinary boundaries and thinking. The outcome of the conference will be a set of workable approaches that have the potential for significant impact on sustainable rehabilitative program development, that focus on total abstinence from the use of violence and the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children.
The AMHC Conferences bring together national experts and guests, Australian practitioners and academics, private sector stakeholders, and Australian government representatives. They play a niche role in creating space in the rehabilitative program development community for the social and emotional well-being of Aboriginal men for:
? Intervention methods
? Identifying and addressing emerging issues and debates
? Strengthening development research and practice
? Exploring potential collaborations & partnerships across boundaries of discipline and sector.
? Developing innovative approaches towards rehabilitative program development
Without the generous support of organisations and businesses, the AMHC Conference could not fulfil this important role.
There are three primary opportunities for your organisation to get involved in sponsoring the AMHC Conference 2017:
1. Sponsorship Package: Contribute towards the overall conference experience through a level of financial contribution which suits your budget. See the table for the sponsorship benefits offered as part of the package option.
2. Conference Aspect Sponsor: Sponsor an aspect of the conference which aligns with your organisation’s interests of objectives e.g. sponsor a speaker’s costs, digital media expenses or the catering for a networking opportunity.
3. In-Kind Sponsorship: Give according to your human or physical resources and skills e.g. pro bono media promotion, A/V support etc. If you have any questions or alternative models for how your organisation might be interested to support the conference, please get in touch via email.
Aboriginal men often do not talk about their use of violence and the sexual abuse that goes on in our communities. To admit to using violence against women, having a problem with the sexual exploitation of children and seeking help can be considered a sign of weakness. Consequently, problems are often not acknowledged until they become too serious to ignore.
The main purpose of the conference is to share insights and promote collaboration and partnerships among Aboriginal Communities, NGOs and other relevant external stakeholders; within the domain of Aboriginal men’s health and wellbeing. We aim to develop the best course of action to provide the development of community rehabilitative methods i.e. abstinence from the use of violence against women and sexual exploitation of vulnerable children in Aboriginal communities.
“Indigenous wellbeing is imbued with distinctive gender considerations in Australia. This is particularly pertinent to this discussion on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander men’s wellbeing. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Male Health and Wellbeing Reference Committee (NATSIMHWC), observed that the role of Indigenous men in society had been significantly diminished over the past 200 years.
This had contributed to the breakdown of Indigenous society, cultural traditions and community life.[i] Mick Adams points out that empowerment is critically important in regaining ‘self-esteem, quality of life, health status and spiritual wellbeing’ for themselves, families, and communitiesâ€, (Adams, as cited in Day, Nakata, Howells, 2008, p.54). The national Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Program (PADV) commenced in June 1998 and ‘has shown that the most effective approaches to family violence in Aboriginal communities are those which are grounded in an acceptance that family violence is a problem owned by the whole community, and which offer a community solution.’ (IAAC Working Group on Child Abuse in Aboriginal Communities Report 2002: 33)
? Develop, design, construct the Aboriginal Males Healing Centre Strong Spirit Strong Families Strong Culture Inc. (AMHC) mandatory 28 bed residential centre for Aboriginal men who use violence.
? Provide Community Service Organisations, service providers, government workers and private sector colleagues working with men & boys, an opportunity to network, share information and resources
? Encourage collaboration between service providers and stakeholders on initiatives targeted at men and boys’ health, relationships and well-being
? Build cross sector support for men and boys’ health, relationships and well-being programs
? Align our work with the six priority areas for action outlined in the National Male Health Policy 2010
? Work towards the establishment of an Office of a Peak Men’s Body at the WA state level
? Increase the profile of men and boys’ health, relationships and well-being in the community
? Provide programs for men and boys within a social determinants of health approach
? Promote a strengths-based approach to working with men and boys’
? Offer encouragement, collaboration and training opportunities to those working to improve the health, well-being and relationships of men and boys’ in the Pilbara region
? Embrace diversity in working with men and boys from all backgrounds, cultures and sexuality. The diversity of men and boys’ in the Pilbara region is valued and should be reflected in approaches to program development, service delivery and support.
? Advocate for these principles in media, government, private sector and community contexts
Event Sponsor Gold - $15,000
Major Sponsor Silver - $10,000
Session Sponsor Bronze - Two only - $5,000
Conference Dinner Sponsor One only - $4,000
This premier sponsorship package guarantees the Event Sponsor primary acknowledgement on all event communications and promotional material. It creates maximum exposure and informs the target market of your involvement in the region. The Event Sponsor is offered the following benefits:
? Key positioning of name and logo on all promotional material and correspondence including hyperlink to your company website
? Promotional material will include event registration brochure, advertising and signage, as well as digital projection of the sponsor logo at appropriate times throughout the event
? Three (3) delegate passes to the forum
? Acknowledgements by Master of Ceremonies of your sponsorship at the forum
? Opportunity to erect display material at the forum and the conference dinner
? Exhibition booth at the forum (3m x 2m)
1. You are responsible for the production and delivery of your corporate DVD to play at the commencement of the session, or copy-writing and supply of your one-minute scripted announcement to be made by the Master of Ceremonies.
2. Your sponsorship contribution will be paid to two of the guest speakers and contribute to the costs associated with the delivery of the conference including the Entertainment costs
The major sponsor package will provide the major sponsor with acknowledgement on all event communications and promotional material. It creates maximum exposure and informs the target market of your involvement in the region. The Major Sponsor is offered the following benefits:
? Key positioning of name and logo on all promotional material and correspondence including hyperlink to your company website
? Promotional material will include event registration brochure, advertising and signage, as well as digital projection of the sponsor logo at appropriate times throughout the event
? Two (2) delegate passes to the forum
? Acknowledgements by Master of Ceremonies of your sponsorship at the forum
? Opportunity to erect display material at the forum and the sun-downer
? Exhibition booth at the forum (3m x 2m)
1. You are responsible for the production and delivery of your corporate DVD to play at the commencement of the session, or copy-writing and supply of your one-minute scripted announcement to be made by the Master of Ceremonies.
2. Your sponsorship contribution will be paid to one of the guest speakers and two return airfares, plus go towards the Master of Ceremonies.
Session sponsors will support one session (of two) throughout the event. Session sponsors are offered the following benefits:
? Acknowledgement at the commencement of the sessions, of your sponsorship of the event
? Opportunity to provide a corporate DVD (maximum three minutes) to play at the commencement of the session. In the event of no DVD being available, one-minute scripted announcement can be made by the Master of Ceremonies about your company
? Key positioning of name and logo on all promotional material and correspondence including hyperlink to your company website
? Promotional material will include event registration brochure, advertising and signage, as well as digital projection of the sponsor logo at appropriate times throughout the event
? One (1) delegate passes to the forum
? Exhibition booth at the forum (3m x 2m)
1. You are responsible for the production and delivery of your corporate DVD to play at the commencement of the session, or copy-writing and supply of your one-minute scripted announcement to be made by the Master of Ceremonies.
2. Your sponsorship contribution will be paid to one of the guest speakers
There is only one position available. The Conference Dinner Sponsor is offered the following benefits:
? Acknowledgement at the commencement of the conference dinner, of your sponsorship of the event
? Opportunity to erect display material at the conference dinner
? Opportunity to provide a corporate DVD (maximum three minutes) to play at the commencement of the conference dinner. In the event of no DVD being available, one-minute scripted announcement can be made by the Master of Ceremonies about your company
? Key positioning of name and logo on all promotional material and correspondence including hyperlink to your company website
? Promotional material will include event registration brochure, advertising and signage, as well as digital projection of the sponsor logo at appropriate times throughout the event
? One (1) delegate passes to the forum
? Exhibition booth at the forum (3m x 2m)
1. You are responsible for the production and delivery of your corporate DVD to play at the commencement of the session, or copy-writing and supply of your one-minute scripted announcement to be made by the Master of Ceremonies.
2. Your sponsorship contribution will be paid to the catering company
CONTACT: Devon Cuimara - 0439439112 or Daniel Wheat - 0437263576
For further information please visit the conference website www.amhc.org.au
or contact us on: amhc@outlook.com
Australian Senator for Western Australia
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Truth-telling, authenticity, building trust, fostering positive relationships with Indigenous businesses
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