Abnormal. The Power of You.

Abnormal. The Power of You.

Normalcy as a cultural construct means to be inherently average. To not standout. To be as so many- “normal”. Don’t get held down by this mistaken belief. Flip this paradigm in your head. Abnormal is your strength and where your talents and abilities become known. And where you then capture an abnormal zeal for life and your unique abilities. 

The irony in this “don’t be abnormal” messaging from many parents to kids and throughout a lifetime of “average normal” is it has a pretty good chance of limiting yourself and potential by diminishing the uniqueness that is and should be you. To live beyond the white picket fence.

When you take stock of those around you and in the world at large how often do you lay judgment on the different? The standouts. The abnormal. While at the same time wishing you had the will to share the abnormal you- knowing but fearing that power. Seeing that those who fulfill the potential of greatness, however defined, relished and excelled in discovering and releasing their abnormal. I do define releasing your abnormal power as having a positive impact on the world.

Your power is there in being uniquely you in all that you do. Why restrict the energy that sits within you to be in these moments, each day, creating the power of you? The singular special meaning of your life that no one else has or will ever live. Your world is a construct of your interpretations of everything you have ever experienced. There is, in reality, no such thing as normal because of this. Just a system which you are allowing to hem you in to varying degrees. Giving away your abnormal for the sake of fitting in is simply being complicit to the “societal norms” that limit an unknown and therefore unrealized energy, power, joy, and success.

In being uniquely you, giving yourself the credit and love you deserve, you find the opportunity to further fulfill what lies within you. The genuine You. The one and only abnormal you. Revel in it. And the world will revel with you!


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