ABM to ABX: Should you take the plunge?

ABM to ABX: Should you take the plunge?

Adding valuable accounts to your customer base is something every growing business is after. The traditional account-based approach functions like a brilliant archer, aiming at target accounts and engaging with them. You launch personalized ABM campaigns and probably even get the customers on board. But what if you could go beyond this? What if you could follow a different route that retains more clients?

The shifting business dynamics call for a more customer-centric approach. ABM's strategy has gone through a fascinating makeover from its target-specific campaigns to a growth strategy emphasizing customer experience. Ultimately evolving into the concept of account-based experience. ABX is all about recognizing the importance of customers’ needs and delivering an outreach campaign that resonates with individual accounts.

Thanks to ABX, businesses now captivate inbound marketing while retaining ABM's accuracy and targeting. The data and insights provided are powerful tools for planning the right time to engage with customers in their buyer’s journey.

A buyer’s roadmap transitions through different phases, each having its own set of challenges. However, when ABX comes into the picture, these concerns take a backseat. ABX takes a brand’s ABM efforts up a notch through data intelligence. Since it orients around the buyer’s cycle, you can add the right accounts to your customer database. It goes beyond just closing a sale. ABX ensures that buyers have a unique experience and a high level of engagement after signing a deal.

The common thread joining ABM and ABX is what the customers are looking for and strategically approaching the right audience. ABX— once a buzzword, will soon become a norm. And there are many reasons for this jump.

When are you steering the ABX wheel?


