An able Maharashtrian Shankaracharya
An able Maharashtrian Shankaracharya?
Pre monastic life- the pre monastic name of shri yogeshwaranand teerth was Triambakshastari Bhaskarshastari Khare he was born on 18th march 1868 at Guhagar in the Ratnagiri District in a chittapavan Brahmin family right at birth he inherited the rich culture and ethical conduct of the well-reared khare family. He lost his month at his age of four and the under went ceremony of wearing the sacred thread when he was eight year of age the strict Brahmin discipline in the family enjoined upon him the daily chanting of the gayatri mantra and oblations to the sun-god in the form of surya-namaskar.He married at the age of 14 in the year 1882 .the worship of the goddess and shir ganpati was the tradition in the family and his father trained him up in all these traditional rites .triambak shastri’s father practiced law at bhiwandi and he also took part in political activities triambak shastri.Quite naturally imbibed adherence to family traditions as well as an acquaintance with political activities right from his childhood in 1884,the shankaraeharay of the aboriginal monastery of shringere happened to visit bhinwandi and the job looking after him and managing his stay in bhiwandi was assigned to triambak shastri’s father at that time the shankaraaharay looking for into the future had prophetically uttered the words “this boy is triambak shastri is destined to become the world-precptor in days to come”.
trambak shastri’s father breathed his last in the year 1885, with the result that the responsibility of maintaining the family devolved on the 17-years –old son he come all alone to pune in 1887 for has high-school English educations. He somehow managed to maintain himself by doing Sunday domestic chores and also by begging alms stared his high-school English education in the have school and matriculated himself in 1891 during his days as a student, he practiced strict austerities by rising early in the morning and performing morning oblations like suryanamaskar and saying a rosary after which he turn to his scholastic studies. He had fully mastered such books as panchatantra, hitopdesh , amarkosh , raghuvansha and such other books. He had written an essay in the Sanskrit language while in the matrix class and hence forward his teacher called him ‘shastri’.
His innate religious tendencies coupled with practices and wages in the family induced triambak shastri to gather from every spiritual soul some precious bits of knowledge whenever he had occasions to meet such holy men. in the year 1888,Bal Maharaj while in pune enjoyed upon him chanting of the gayatri mantra and the recitation of shri guru charitra. Days thereafter yogin who came to pune gave him is true that the hansaPathway is essentially a nathPathway but for all practical purposes it is included in the samartha Paythwa.triambak Shastri came in close contacts with hansdas {madhavrao marathe} and consequently became a staunch devotee of Samarth RAMDAS and regularly and completely read several times ‘The Dasbodh’ saint Ramada’s mangnum opus?
Married life :-?
Taking into accounts the burden at the responsibilities of his family he {TRIAMBAK SHASTRI} came down to Mumbai and accepted a job with a merchant and workers therefore a period of three years. He was blessed with a son in 1885.following his father he participated in social work and worked for the country. He had joined hands with late Shivrampant paranjape In the prohibition movement. After six months, he came to Vajreshwari and began a religious celebration by recitation of a religious book names Saptashati. An old man looking like a monk regularly attended the recitation one day, the old monk-like man, intuitively knowing Triambak Shastri’s plan to go to himilayas, advised him, please discharge the duties of married life before you plan to go to the himilayas .with these words the old monk vanished and was invisible. Triambak Shastri was astonished and very meekly submitted to the goddess who appearing before him confirmed the old monk’s advice.
Association with saintly souls and their benedictions
Thereafter Triambak Shastri came to pandharpur and became the ‘Superintendent’ of a school. During his sojourn in Pandharpur came across such pious and saintly souls as Yogabhyanand, Madhavnath Maharaj, Gondavalekar Maharaj, Choundhe Maharaj, Sitar am Maharaj , Lakshman Maharaj Vakharikar {who did not cast his shadow} and some other saints. In 1900,he accepted the directorship of a school imparting commerce education in Solapur and he worked there for seven years. During this period he wrote and published three books (i)commercial education (ii)commercial empire (iii)industrial reforms. He vigorously propogated against cow-slaughter and staunchly upheld the cause of Swadeshi with the inevitable result that his name figured in the black list of the government.?
In the year 1910,triambak shastri came down to Mumbai and cleared all examinations of the commerce college and in the very year the institution of ‘ASSOCIATED ACCOUNTANTS’ IN ENGLAND and conferred upon him the title of “Auditor” and enrolled him as a member of the Institution. Therefore he founded his own institution under the name of ‘khare and co.’ and started his independent business. His company began getting work from several mills. As ordained by the goddess, he obtained a licence to work as an auditor in foreign countries and in the year 1915 he was appointed at as a government auditor of the perfect pottery at Jabalpur on a monthly remuneration of Rs 1500/-
Once again association with holy men and their benedictions.
Triambak shastri’s business was expanding successfully; But at the same time his wage for spiritual progress was also in the ascendant during the period 1915 to 1920 he happened to meet such saintly souls as Gulabrao Maharaj ,kaka puranik, Aapdeo Maharaj etc. From whom he learnt and unbibed yoga ,light experience and other spiritual experience soon there after i:e in1922his wife expired and with that his second stage of domestic life and also the fire worship enjoined by the smritis came to an end. Till 1940 Triambak shastri’s business went on but his inner wage pulled him to words the spiritual pursuits and it was the yogi Madhavnath Maharaj of indore who brought about his true spiritual progress. Besides being Triambak shastri’s preceptor in Yoga Madhavnath Maharaj also proved to be Triambak shastri’s preceptor in his attainment of salvation in 1930,Triambak shastri’s was blessed by madhavnath Maharaj with two spiritual powers (i) Auralizing(listening to what was not present to the ear and visualizing .(seeing what was not present to the eye).In 1942 madhavnath Maharaj called upon triambak shastri’s to chant the Panchdashi Mantra for a lakh of times and in the end uttered the blessings “Very soon you will have to be the shankaracharya.”
Appointment to the lofty of spiritual preceptor –in 1943 his holiness bharati Krishna teerth had taken upon himself the holy task of selecting two competent persons for appointment to the two seats of Shankaracharya of the dwaraka and Govardhan seats. At last triambak shastri’s was selected for the appointment to the dwaraka seat he was ordained a monk at-Bhiwj and was soon appointed to the seat of dwaraka by sprinkling holy waters on him in this way triambak shastri’s khare as indicated by his horoscope became khare sanyasin shankaracharya.
Three years before ascended the high seat i.e. in 1940 he wrote two monumental books- Parkaya Pravesh and Mantra Shastra “Looking at these great books and after going through them shri bharati Krishna teerth conferred on trimbak shastri’s such titles of honors as ‘vidvanmani’ ‘Mantra maharaja’ ‘Mantra nishnat’ and ‘mantra-marmabhaskar’.He also conferred his blessings on the book Mantra shastra as his staunch advocacy of the book.
The dwaraka peeth was involved in some practical litigations and so the presiding officer of the seat had to appear before the court. Khare shastri felt it to be insulting to the dignity of the seat and so he relinquished to seat and some other person was appointed to the seat by khare shastri himself .Khare shastri ascended to the seat of Goverdhan jagannath puri as the presiding officer and was given the name of shri.Yogeshwaranand teerth.
The purpose of religious work and its fulfillment:-
The main purpose of a presiding shankarachaya’s work in the protection of religion, unlike others faiths the Hindu religion is not aggressive but upholds protective motives. For protecting one’s own religion ,what is necessary is the spread of knowledge about the religion and to inculcate faith in the religion in the minds of the followers ,and to bring it home to such followers that it is through following the religion only that they greatest good and practical conduct .Any defection from religion or layity in the obsesvance of religious duties causes undermine of the religion and wall starts showing cracks and holes and it is the proteclive forces that save the religion from degeneration shri.Yogeshwara nand teerth accomplished all these purposes while remaining within the limits of his high office.
Religious work and propagation of Religion
In 1944 yogeshwara nand treeth went to Delhi in deference to an invitation from his holiness karapatrij Maharaj and performed oblation to fire i.e. fire sacrifice amounting to a hundred crore gayatri mantra 1945 he had gone to Delhi to confer his blessings on the occasion of the session of the Hindu Mahasabha during the three years from 1946-1949 he travelled far and wide in south India for his work of religious propagation in 1946 he had gone to madras to preside over all-India dharmapeeth association in 1947 he drew out a plan for Hindu university at madras after the manner of Banaras Hindu university there after he presided over the annual session of the institution ‘divine life’ at tam bam just 9 miles away from tanjavar it was yogeshwara nand teerth who was called upon to install the images of shri mahatripursundari and matrubhuteshwar propounded by shri ramanmaharshi going away from the limits of his monastery yogeshwara nand teerth travelled in Maharashtra, Gujarat, madras, Andhrapradesh, and actively propagated the Vedic faith and performed contrive work 1949to1961was the period of work of propagation and edification. He was in the range of 81 to 93 years of his age. During this period of his active work.
Yogeshwara nand teerth had his sojourn at different place during the chaturmas and there after he set out for his propagation work. On such occasion there went on such religious oblations of ‘lingarchan’ Devi path ; ‘fire sacrifices’ and ‘Rudra swahakar’ and such religious rites He delivered lectures and discourses on religion for woman and men alike .He tried to satisfy all the four categories of devotees depending fitness far the purpose. He resorted to the methods of mantra, tantra and yantra together with meditation with the help of a rosary to bless the devotees. He also gave them experiences of god. Revelation and at some places he gave than experiences lay touching them. He also gave the devotees the experiences of the awakening of kundalini as written in the yoga scriptures. In the year 1954 he got accomplished the extremely difficult task of vajra-coating of the goddess of Kolhapur.
The last chaturmas and the passing away of Triambak shastri yogeshwara nand teerth.
In the year 1961 years yogeshwaranand teerth, who was than 93 years of age came to Amravati after meeting his disciples at several places with the object of spending his chaturmas period there while the usual religious rites were still in progress, suddenly his health failed him. The preparations of the morning pooja were all nearly complete at that moment, near his very seat, yogeshwara nand teerth left his mortal frame on a bed near his seat and lift for his heavenly a body. In this way the shankaraeharya of the govardhan seat breathed his last while engaged in his daily religious duties right at the feat of the goddess jagadamba. This is a singularly peculiar coincidence in the history of the presiding holy teachers.
Yogeshwara nand was a yogi, a knower of the mantras and a preceptor authorized to bless and so he had different traditions of preceptors. He was an imperial preceptor.
Supernatural powers of the mantras and the proven mantras:-Yogeshwara nand had a thirst for knowledge and that is why he collected the mantras of different types and from different religious. He never paid any attention to the fulfillment of the mantras that near designed to lead mankind astray all the same he dived deep in such mantras to know and master them. He accomplished the worship of several mantras together with the necessary techniques and the contrivances and took himself experience and gave than to others. The sole aim and object of his worship and his mantra-lore was god self –realization only four presiding preceptors at haridwar , puri, shringeri and dwaraka can take the appellation world-teacher the rest sub-presiding shankeracharya (just as the spiritual seat of sankeshwar )
-- With Regards, Advocate Gajanan.V.Khare (Past Associate Editor Sales Tax Review Magzine)?
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