The Ability to Live Life to the Full
Cheshire Homes South Africa is an organization for persons with disabilities that seeks to alleviate the many barriers faced in society and encourage and empower persons with physical disabilities to live an independent life, within the limitations of their physical impairments, where they have autonomy over their lives and are able to achieve their fullest potential.
The stigma surrounding disabled persons is largely due to the outdated medical model, which sees disability as a defect within the individual that must be fixed, cured, or eliminated if the disabled person is to enjoy a good quality of life. Unfortunately, this model conveys that disabled persons are weak and dependent – a very negative view of disability.
?The medical definition of disability was replaced with the social model, which defines disability as the inability of an individual to fully participate in society or community life because they have an impairment that society does not accommodate. The impairment is the effect of a given condition, while the disability is the restriction imposed by society preventing full and equal participation.
The Vision of Cheshire Homes South Africa of a society where people with disabilities have equal opportunities and live their lives free from discrimination and prejudice.
?Our mission is to provide support services in partnership with persons with disability so that we empower these service users and enhance their quality of life.
?Cheshire Homes South Africa operates a bottom-up management structure, in which, each home or service center is largely autonomous. Each home has its own Board Members, Management staff, constitution, and registrations.
?Each home or service center is represented on the Cheshire Homes South Africa National Council. This Council meets on an annual basis and elects amongst themselves a National Management Board.
?The Cheshire Homes South Africa National Body is the umbrella body for all our centers, and through the National Executive Committee and the staff of the National Office is responsible for:
Oversight and ensuring good governance and standards.
Providing support to all centres in the form of guidance, training and leadership
Developing and implementing centralised policies, standard operating procedures, standards of care and management practices.
Representing and unifying our centres and homes as a professional national organisation, and promoting and using this synergy to benefit all of our centres.
Forming a conduit between our centres and the Leonard Cheshire regional and international bodies, as well as other stakeholders and interested parties.
?The sixteen homes in four provinces of South Africa are organised into four branches, Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal. These branches form an extension of the oversight role of the national body.
We are hoping that you or your company can assist us by donating R25?000.00 towards our organisation, allowing us to continue to our responsibilities to our various homes.
In return for your generous donation, you will receive a Section 18A Income Tax Certificate, regular report backs on the work that is being achieved, mention on our social media pages, and invitations to our various events throughout the year.
For further information, please contact [email protected]