Abide, Believe, Commit: The ABCs of a Christ-Centered Life
David J. Ferrick
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Matthew 18:3-4 (ESV): "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Loving God like a child is about cultivating humility, trust, and dependence, along with pure, joyful, and wholehearted devotion. It involves laying aside skepticism, pride, and self-reliance, and embracing God as a loving Father who cares deeply for His children. Through this childlike approach, believers experience a closer and more intimate relationship with Him.
With childlike behaviors toward our Father in Heaven, we can reflect on the ABCs of being a Christian as a simple yet profound framework to embrace the core values, beliefs, and practices foundational to our faith. Just as a child learns their ABCs with wonder and openness, this alphabetic approach provides a Christ-centered way to explore and grow in our relationship with God. Each letter represents a key concept, encouraging believers—both new and seasoned—to nurture these qualities in their spiritual journey. Here’s a list, from A to Z, that reflects a childlike trust and joy in walking with Christ:
A - Abide: Living daily in God’s presence, staying rooted in His Word, and finding peace through a close relationship with Christ.
B - Believe: Trusting wholeheartedly in God’s promises, His grace, and the saving power of Jesus Christ.
C - Commit: Devoting yourself fully to God’s will, pursuing His purpose, and walking in faithful obedience.
D - Discipleship: Actively following Jesus, learning from His teachings, and sharing His message with others.
E - Eucharist: A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consuming bread and wine.
F - Faith: Trust and belief in God and His promises.
G - Grace: The free and unearned favor of God, given to humans for their salvation.
H - Hope: The expectation of and confidence in receiving eternal life with God.
I - Incarnation: The belief that God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.
J - Joy: A deep, spiritual happiness stemming from faith and a relationship with Jesus.
K - Kindness: Treating others with compassion and gentleness.
L - Love: Central to Christian doctrine, it means loving God and your neighbors.
M - Mercy: God’s forgiveness and compassion towards humanity.
N - Nativity: The birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated during Christmas.
O - Obedience: Following the will and commands of God.
P - Prayer: Communicating with God to seek comfort, guidance, or to give thanks.
Q - Quietude: Being still and quiet in God’s presence, often through meditation or prayer.
R - Resurrection: The belief that Jesus rose from the dead, offering believers the hope of eternal life.
S - Salvation: Deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be granted by faith in Christ.
T - Trinity: The Christian doctrine of one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
U - Unity: The state of being united as followers of Christ within the body of the Church.
V - Virtue: Moral excellence and righteousness.
W - Wisdom: Spiritual insight and understanding grounded in God’s character and truths.
X - Xenophilia: Love for strangers; hospitality towards others, especially the needy or foreigners.
Y - Yield: To surrender to God, letting His will prevail in one’s life.
Z - Zeal: Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective within Christian living.
This curated collection serves as a spiritual guide, helping individuals navigate their path toward a more profound, fulfilling Christian life. By embracing the simplicity, wonder, and trust of a childlike faith, this approach invites believers to rediscover the joy of their relationship with God. Whether through the daily practice of gratitude, the humble pursuit of wisdom, or the unwavering hope in His promises, the ABCs of a childlike Christian-centric lifestyle serve as a reminder that true faith is not complex but profoundly transformative. It’s an invitation to walk with God with a heart full of wonder and a life overflowing with His love.