ABHI’s Need to Know Newsletter #11: Diagnotics

ABHI’s Need to Know Newsletter #11: Diagnotics

Cancer Rises?

We have seen some notable increases in cancer rates in recent years. Cancer diagnoses in 25 to 49-year-olds have increased by nearly a quarter since 1995. Prostate cancer is expected to double by 2040, and skin cancer is at an all-time high. Lifestyles, rising obesity, and genetics are all potential factors contributing to this rise.?

Advances in Screening has meant we’re detecting more cancers and finding them at a younger age. Newer tests and technologies are also expected to help reduce cancer diagnosis wait times.?

How Can AI Support?

Using AI to support cancer diagnosis can significantly improve early diagnosis rates, from cancer-type identification to survival rate prediction; the possible ramifications are enormous.?

A joint study between the 英国格拉斯哥大学 and 美国纽约大学 is pushing the boundaries of diagnostics innovations by helping AI “learn the language of cancer” through histomorphological phenotype learning (HPL). By analysing tissue sample images, HPL can identify cancer types with 99% accuracy and predict recurrence and survival rates with 72% accuracy. The AI system complements human expertise, offering faster, more precise diagnoses and enabling patients to get quick and accurate care.?

In a recent study by Scientific Reports into skin cancer detection, AI played a huge role in automated and non-invasive skin cancer diagnosis, reducing the complications in traditional methods and improving diagnosis rates.

ABHI Member Spearheading UK AI Diagnostics?

ABHI member and diagnostic innovator Skin Analytics is advancing the space and piloting their DERM AI platform at Tameside Hospital in Greater Manchester. Referred patients visit the Skin AI photographic hub, where tests are conducted, providing instant results and allowing for quicker treatment or immediate discharge for benign cases. DERM, used since 2020 across 15 NHS sites, classifies 11 lesion types and has helped identify over 10,000 cancers among 92,000 patients.

This illustrates the huge potential AI diagnostic technologies have for freeing up NHS resources and providing lifesaving early diagnostic care to UK patients. ABHI supports initiatives that drive early cancer diagnosis, accelerate time to treatment, and free hospital resources. To learn how ABHI can support your early diagnostics business, visit our resource hub or contact ABHI Executive Director for Diagnostics Nishan Sunthares.



